Free Powerpoint Presentations

Fission and Fusion




Slide 1

Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear Reactions

Fission and Fusion

Slide 2

CS 4.4

CS 4.4

CS 4.5

State that in fission a nucleus of large mass splits into 2 nuclei of smaller mass numbers, usually with the release of neutrons.

State that fission may be spontaneous or induced by neutron bombardment.

Slide 3

CS 4.6

CS 4.6

CS 4.7

CS 4.8

State that in fusion, 2 nuclei combine to form a nucleus of larger mass number.

Explain, using E = mc2, how the products of fission and fusion acquire large amounts of kinetic energy.

Carry out calculations using E = mc2 for fission and fusion reactions.

Slide 4



When atoms are bombarded with neutrons, their nuclei splits into 2 parts which are roughly equal in size.

Nuclear fission in the process whereby a nucleus, with a high mass number, splits into 2 nuclei which have roughly equal smaller mass numbers.

During nuclear fission, neutrons are released.

Slide 5

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fission

There are 2 types of fission that exist:

1. Spontaneous Fission

2. Induced Fission

Slide 6

Spontaneous Fission

Spontaneous Fission

Some radioisotopes contain nuclei which are highly unstable and decay spontaneously by splitting into 2 smaller nuclei.

Such spontaneous decays are accompanied by the release of neutrons.

Slide 7

Induced Fission

Induced Fission

Nuclear fission can be induced by bombarding atoms with neutrons.

Induced fission decays are also accompanied by the release of neutrons.

The nuclei of the atoms then split into 2 equal parts.

Slide 8

The Fission Process

The Fission Process

A neutron travels at high speed towards a uranium-235 nucleus.

Slide 9

The Fission Process

The Fission Process

A neutron travels at high speed towards a uranium-235 nucleus.

Slide 10

The Fission Process

The Fission Process

A neutron travels at high speed towards a uranium-235 nucleus.

Slide 11

The neutron strikes the nucleus which then captures the neutron.

The neutron strikes the nucleus which then captures the neutron.

The Fission Process

Slide 12

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