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Animal Farm Written by George Orwell
Setting Manor Farm, England Animal Farm is a timeless setting symbolizing that the events of the story could take place any time, any place where someone has too much power.
Tone In the beginning of the story, the tone of the story was miserable and indignant.  The animals were tired of working for nothing in return.  They all felt like they deserved a break. In the middle of the story, all the animals were motivated to do the work that would help their society.  After the rebellion, they all felt like everything would be good from now on. At the end of the story, the tone returns to the beginning  misery and indignation The animals had to work just as hard as they had before the rebellion because Napoleon took over.  Napoleon and Man ending up being equal.
Point of View The Point of View in this fable is third person omniscient.  3 rd  person omniscient is when the narrator does not participate in the action, but tells the reader what the characters are thinking that are participating.  This point of view focuses on any character in any action. The omniscient narrator is generally the most reliable because the reader knows the thoughts of all the characters not just one.
Characters Protagonist In the beginning, all the animals are the protagonist because they are working together to defeat  Mr. Jones.  As the story goes on the pigs become the main character.  At the end, Napoleon is the person who is in charge of the farm and moves over to the antagonist position. Antagonist At the start of the story, Mr. Jones, Mr. Frederick, and Mr. Pilkington are working against the animals.  In the middle of the story, Mr. Fredrick and Mr. Pilkington continue to work against the farm.  However, at the end Mr. Fredrick and Mr. Pilkington are working with Napoleon and the  rest  of the pigs.
Conflicts: MAN VS. MAN Animals vs. Mr. Jones- After Old Major has a stirring dream, the animals become restless and make plans to rebel against Mr. Jones.  They feel once they have accomplished the rebellion against Jones everything will be better. Snowball vs. Napoleon- Once the animals have taken over the farm, Snowball and Napoleon start having trouble working together and both get greedy for more power.  In the end Napoleon defeats Snowball.
Conflicts: MAN VS. NATURE Animals vs. Winter-After the windmill was blown down Napoleon ordered the animals to work through the winter.  The winter was bitter cold and the animals got little to eat.  Throughout that winter, all of the animals struggled.
Conflicts: MAN VS. SOCIETY Animals vs. Mr. Jones, Mr. Fredrick, Mr. Pilkington- Before and after the Rebellion the humans were a threat to the animals either the way they lived or the way the want to live.  The pigs use the negative image of  Man (“Jones coming back”) to frighten the other animals into doing what they are told.
Conflicts: MAN VS. SOCIETY Other Farms vs. Manor Farm- While Napoleon was in power the farms around the country are talking about Manor farm that was run completely by animals.  They are all scared that it will happen on their farm.  Mollie vs. Animalism- From the beginning, Mollie is unsure whether the animals should rebel against Mr. Jones.  She likes the ribbons and sugar lumps that he gives her and wasn’t sure she wants to live without them.  A few weeks after the Rebellion, Mollie run away and lived in the luxury that she wanted.
Plot Exposition Jones, a drunken farmer leaves animals unfed and uncomfortable Introduction of Mr. Jones and animals Old Major tells about his dream where there will one day be a place where animals rule themselves
Plot Beginning Conflict Rebellion (animals defeat Mr. Jones)
Plot Rising Action Animals write the 7 Commandments Animals work hard and have a good harvest Battle of Cowshed (animals defeat the people again) Snowball comes up with the idea of a windmill The farm is divided between Napoleon (against windmill) and Snowball (for windmill)
Plot Climax Napoleon kicks Snowball out and takes over farm
Plot Falling Action Napoleon stops meetings and debates Napoleon decides to build the windmill Mr. Whymper is hired to be the farm’s solicitor 7 Commandments start to change Napoleon starts to blame everything that goes wrong on Snowball Executions take place “ Beast of England” is banned A new song “Comrade Napoleon” was written in its place Battle of the Windmill takes place Animal Farm is turned into a republic Boxer is sent away to a slaughter house because he is too weak to work
Plot Resolution Pigs are equal to man

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Story Grammar for Animal Farm

  • 1. Animal Farm Written by George Orwell
  • 2. Setting Manor Farm, England Animal Farm is a timeless setting symbolizing that the events of the story could take place any time, any place where someone has too much power.
  • 3. Tone In the beginning of the story, the tone of the story was miserable and indignant. The animals were tired of working for nothing in return. They all felt like they deserved a break. In the middle of the story, all the animals were motivated to do the work that would help their society. After the rebellion, they all felt like everything would be good from now on. At the end of the story, the tone returns to the beginning misery and indignation The animals had to work just as hard as they had before the rebellion because Napoleon took over. Napoleon and Man ending up being equal.
  • 4. Point of View The Point of View in this fable is third person omniscient. 3 rd person omniscient is when the narrator does not participate in the action, but tells the reader what the characters are thinking that are participating. This point of view focuses on any character in any action. The omniscient narrator is generally the most reliable because the reader knows the thoughts of all the characters not just one.
  • 5. Characters Protagonist In the beginning, all the animals are the protagonist because they are working together to defeat Mr. Jones. As the story goes on the pigs become the main character. At the end, Napoleon is the person who is in charge of the farm and moves over to the antagonist position. Antagonist At the start of the story, Mr. Jones, Mr. Frederick, and Mr. Pilkington are working against the animals. In the middle of the story, Mr. Fredrick and Mr. Pilkington continue to work against the farm. However, at the end Mr. Fredrick and Mr. Pilkington are working with Napoleon and the rest of the pigs.
  • 6. Conflicts: MAN VS. MAN Animals vs. Mr. Jones- After Old Major has a stirring dream, the animals become restless and make plans to rebel against Mr. Jones. They feel once they have accomplished the rebellion against Jones everything will be better. Snowball vs. Napoleon- Once the animals have taken over the farm, Snowball and Napoleon start having trouble working together and both get greedy for more power. In the end Napoleon defeats Snowball.
  • 7. Conflicts: MAN VS. NATURE Animals vs. Winter-After the windmill was blown down Napoleon ordered the animals to work through the winter. The winter was bitter cold and the animals got little to eat. Throughout that winter, all of the animals struggled.
  • 8. Conflicts: MAN VS. SOCIETY Animals vs. Mr. Jones, Mr. Fredrick, Mr. Pilkington- Before and after the Rebellion the humans were a threat to the animals either the way they lived or the way the want to live. The pigs use the negative image of Man (“Jones coming back”) to frighten the other animals into doing what they are told.
  • 9. Conflicts: MAN VS. SOCIETY Other Farms vs. Manor Farm- While Napoleon was in power the farms around the country are talking about Manor farm that was run completely by animals. They are all scared that it will happen on their farm. Mollie vs. Animalism- From the beginning, Mollie is unsure whether the animals should rebel against Mr. Jones. She likes the ribbons and sugar lumps that he gives her and wasn’t sure she wants to live without them. A few weeks after the Rebellion, Mollie run away and lived in the luxury that she wanted.
  • 10. Plot Exposition Jones, a drunken farmer leaves animals unfed and uncomfortable Introduction of Mr. Jones and animals Old Major tells about his dream where there will one day be a place where animals rule themselves
  • 11. Plot Beginning Conflict Rebellion (animals defeat Mr. Jones)
  • 12. Plot Rising Action Animals write the 7 Commandments Animals work hard and have a good harvest Battle of Cowshed (animals defeat the people again) Snowball comes up with the idea of a windmill The farm is divided between Napoleon (against windmill) and Snowball (for windmill)
  • 13. Plot Climax Napoleon kicks Snowball out and takes over farm
  • 14. Plot Falling Action Napoleon stops meetings and debates Napoleon decides to build the windmill Mr. Whymper is hired to be the farm’s solicitor 7 Commandments start to change Napoleon starts to blame everything that goes wrong on Snowball Executions take place “ Beast of England” is banned A new song “Comrade Napoleon” was written in its place Battle of the Windmill takes place Animal Farm is turned into a republic Boxer is sent away to a slaughter house because he is too weak to work
  • 15. Plot Resolution Pigs are equal to man