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screwed could be a grammatical form of: screw »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for screwed »
screwed, a. 1 Ar scriú, ar bís; scriúáilte. 2 Ar meisce; ar na cannaí.
He screwed up his eyes, chruinnigh sé a shúile.
He has a good head on his shoulders, his head is screwed on the right way, tá cloigeann maith air, tá intinn mhaith chúil aige.
Screwed together, ceangailte le scriúnna.
He screwed his face into a smile, chuir sé strainc ar a aghaidh ag gáire.
F: His head is screwed on the right way, ní dhéanfaidh sé a aimhleas le hamaidí; tá fios a ghnóthaí go maith aige.
He screwed up his eyes, rinne sé leathdhúnadh ar a shúile.
He screwed up his lips, theann sé a liopaí; chrap sé a liopaí.
He screwed up his face, chuir sé strainc air féin.
I screwed myself up to do it, chruinníos mé féin chun a dhéanta.
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