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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for well off » and well-off »
well off, adj. phr. 1 a Seascair, toiciúil, deisiúil. He is well off, tá sé ina shá den saol; tá cuid mhaith de mhaoin an tsaoil aige. He is well enough off, tá riar a riachtanais aige. Well-off people, daoine toiciúla, sócúla, gustalacha, lucht rachmais. b Rafar, ámhar. You don't know when you are well off, nuair atá tú go sóúil, fulaing tú féin. 2 He is well off for books, tá a shá, a dhóthain, leabhar aige.
Everything went off well, d'éirigh go maith le gach aon rud.
To be well off, bheith go maith as.
He is better off where he is, is fearr dó an áit a bhfuil sé.
He came off second-best, fuair sé an chuid ba mheasa de.
You came off well, scarais go maith leis.
It came off well, d'éirigh go binn leis.
It's no wonder that he's well-off, is beag an dochar dó a bheith go maith as.
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