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Similar words: daide · daile · daire · daith · daithe
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daite could be a grammatical form of: dathaigh » · dath »
daite1, a3. 1. pp. of dathaigh1. 2. Coloured, dyed, stained. Éadach ~, dyed cloth. Fuinneoga ~, stained-glass windows. Ciníocha ~, coloured races pej.~ ag an ngrian, tanned by the sun. 3. Colourful, comely. A dlaoithe ~, her comely locks.
daite2, a3. 1. pp. of dath2. 2. Allotted, fated. Is dó atá an fheirm ~, the farm is to go to him. Más é an bás atá ~ dó, if he is marked out for death. An saol atá ~ dúinn, the life in store for us. Tá sé ~ duit, it is coming to you. 3. (In phrase) Thug sé go ~, (go) dubh is (go) ~, dó é, he gave it to him hot and heavy.
~ daite, dearg, beaten track.
~ daite, gluaiste, slinne, coloured, propelling, slate, pencil.
~ daite, colour print.
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