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gor1, m. (gs. goir). 1. (a) Heat (of incubation); broodiness (as of hen). Cearc ar ~, clocking hen. D’imigh an ~ di, she stopped clocking. S.a. cearc 1(a). (b) (Act of) hatching, incubation. ~ a dhéanamh ar uibheacha, to hatch eggs. Séasúr an ghoir, nesting season. (c) ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to brood over sth. Ar ~ le rud a dhéanamh, burning with desire to do sth. Tá siad ar ~ ag fanacht leis, they are all impatience waiting for it. 2. Heat, inflammation; pus, matter. ~ i gcneá, inflammation, gathering of matter, in a wound. Máthair (an) ghoir, core (of abscess); Fig: Root of evil. ~ gabhláin, laidhre, interdigital itch. ~ faoi ionga, whitlow.
gor2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Heat, warm. (a) Tú féin a ghoradh le gréin, os comhair na tine, to warm oneself in the sun, before the fire. Tine nach loisceann agus nach ngorann, a fire that neither burns nor warms. (b) Metall:Iarann a ghoradh, to heat iron. (c) Cause to blush, to glow. Grua a ghoradh, to bring a blush to a cheek. Grua ghortha, glowing cheek. 2. (a) Hatch, incubate. Uibheacha a ghoradh, to hatch eggs. Éan crua a ~adh sa Mhárta, a hardy bird hatched in March. (b) Brood (ar, over). Bheith ag ~adh ar rud, to be brooding over, hatching, sth. Ní grian a ghoras a ubh, he knows how to plan ahead, is quite a schemer.
gor3, a1. Lit: Filial; pious, dutiful.
gor4, m = goradh.
~ ghoir, broody hen;
Mar a bheadh ~ ghoir ann, like a broody hen, absurdly fussy.
Do ghoradh a dhéanamh, to warm oneself (at fire).
~ gréine a thabhairt duit féin, to warm oneself in the sun.
Thug sé ~ cúl cos dó féin, he warmed the back of his legs; he stood there with his back to the fire.
~ a thabhairt d’iarann, to heat iron.
~ dearg, geal, red, white, heat.
~ a chur ar rud, to solder sth.
Déanfaidh mise a ghoradh, I’ll warm his hide for him.
Fuair sé a ghoradh, he got it hot.
Níor thuill sé an ~ grua uait, you had no need to make him blush.
~ bruíne, ~ teanga, drubbing, scolding.
~ uibheacha, eochraí, hatching of eggs, of spawn.
~ airgid, a lot of money.
~ prátaí, ‘feed’ of potatoes.
~ a bhaint as an bpíopa, to take a pull of the pipe.
Loisc tú do ghual is ní dhearna tú do ghoradh, ‘you burned out your charcoal and failed to fire your metal’, you bungled matters.
~ a chur faoi chearc ghoir, to set a clutch of eggs under a brood-hen.
~ ghoir, discharge of pus.
~ ghoir, core of abscess.
~ an ghoir, (of animals)
~ ghoir, incubation period.
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