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iarr, v.t. (vn. ~aidh, pp. ~tha). 1. Ask. (a) Request, demand. Rud a ~aidh ar dhuine, to ask sth. of s.o. D’~ sé punt orm, he asked me for a pound. D’~ siad orainn fanacht acu, they asked us to stay with them. Trócaire, maithiúnas, a ~aidh, to ask for mercy, for forgiveness. ~ spás air, ask him to give you (a space of) time. Níor ~ tú cead orm, you didn’t ask my permission. Do cheart a ~aidh, to ask for one’s rights. Tá sé ag ~aidh a choda, he is begging for food. D’~ sé a raibh dlite dó, he claimed what was due to him. An oiread seo a ~aidh ar rud, to ask so much for sth. ~ a luach, ask for what it is worth. Tá tú ag ~aidh barraíochta air, you are asking too much for it. Ní ~fainn a mhalairt, I wouldn’t ask for any better. Gach ní mar a d’~fadh do bhéal (é) a bheith, everything exactly as you would wish. (b) Seek, search for. Troid a ~aidh, to look for a fight. Bean a ~aidh (le pósadh), to ask for a woman’s hand (in marriage). An fhírinne a ~aidh, to seek the truth. Táthar do d’~aidh, you are wanted. Cad é atá tú a ~aidh ansin? What are you looking for there? Níl uaidh ach ‘~aim cúis’, all he wants is an excuse. Níl aon duine ag ~aidh do chúraim ort, nobody wants your attentions; stop meddling. (c) Expect. Cad é a bheifeá a ~aidh air? What would you expect of him? Is mairg a d’~fadh ciall ort, it would be foolish to expect you to have sense. 2. Attempt. Ag ~aidh rud a dhéanamh, trying to do sth. Ná h~ an chloch sin a thógáil, don’t attempt to lift that stone. Bhí siad ag ~aidh a bheith ag magadh fúinn, they were trying to make fun of us. Níor ~ sé imeacht, he made no attempt to leave. Níl mé ag ~aidh éirí go fóill, I don’t want to get up yet. Ná h~ ina dhiaidh é! He takes the biscuit! 3. Lit: Call for, require. Cad é an ní a ~tar chun an baisteadh a dhéanamh? What is requisite for the performance of baptism? ~tar mórán chun a leighis, it takes a lot to remedy it.
Tháinig sé a iarraidh iasachta orm, he came to ask me for a loan.
Féadann tú a n-iarraidh air, you may ask him for them.
Ag iarraidh abhrais ar phocán, trying to get wool off a he-goat.
~ a iarraidh, to make a request, a wish.
Gan iarraidh gan ~, without any inducement.
An rud a bhí sé ag iarraidh a dhéanamh, what he was trying to do.
Tháinig sé ag iarraidh airgid orm, he came to ask me for money.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh é a cheannach ~ gan mórán airgid aige, he was trying to buy it although he had little money.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
~ ruda a iarraidh, to ask for the use, loan, of sth.
Fuair mé ~ cruinn air an iarraidh sin, I got a good shot at it that time.
Ag iarraidh ~ na súl a bhaint díom, trying to hoodwink me.
Níl ~ ach a bheith ag iarraidh céille oraibh, you cannot be expected to have sense.
Ag iarraidh ~ a chur ar an saol, trying to settle the affairs of the world.
Thug mé iarraidh ~t faoi, I tried to calm, pacify, him.
Beidh bairéid ar iarraidh, there will be wigs on the green.
Ná déan a bheag díot féin ag iarraidh airgid air, don’t demean yourself by asking him for money.
Ní lú ná mar a d’iarr sé orm é, much less did he ask me for it.
D’iarr siad as ~ a chéile é, they all asked for it at once.
Ag iarraidh ~ a bhaint díom, trying to fleece me.
Ag iarraidh ~ mór a dhéanamh de féin, setting himself up as a man of consequence.
Chaill mé slat an iarraidh sin, I was set back a yard that time.
D’iarr sé ~ bliana orthu gan cath a chur leis, he asked them for a year’s respite from battle.
~ a iarraidh, a thabhairt, a fháil, to ask, give, obtain, permission.
~ anama a iarraidh, a thabhairt, to ask for, grant, quarter.
Ná cuir do chorrán i ngort gan iarraidh, don’t interfere in other people’s business.
Fuair mé ~ an iarraidh seo, I got a really big one this time.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh meas a chur air féin, he was trying to win respect.
Ag iarraidh cúis a chur chun cinn, trying to advance a cause.
Ní raibh mé ach ag iarraidh foighne a chur iontu, I was only trying to get them to be patient.
Ná bí ag iarraidh do thuairimí a chur siar orm, don’t try to impose your opinions on me.
Tháinig sé gan chuireadh gan iarraidh, gan chuireadh gan chóiste, he came without having been invited.
~ gan iarraidh, uninvited, unwanted, guest.
Níl uaidh ach ‘Iarraim ~’, he is only looking for an excuse.
Ag iarraidh na ~e, seeking alms, begging.
I n~ gur iarr mé é, despite the fact that I asked for it.
~ a iarraidh, to seek refuge.
D’iarr sé í agus dhiúltaigh sí é, he asked her (in marriage) and she refused him.
Ná bí ag iarraidh ~ Dé a thabhairt, don’t try to fly in the face of God.
Thug mé iarraidh ar éalú as an seomra, I tried to slip out of the room.
~ a iarraidh, a lorg, to seek information.
Fuair tú ~ an iarraidh seo, you got a huge one this time.
Dúil, iarraidh, gan fháil, vain expectation, request.
~faidh sé é féin an iarraidh seo, he will have to get down to it this time.
Ag iarraidh forais i bhfodhomhain, ‘trying to find bottom in an abyss’, an impossible task.
Ag iarraidh a bheith ~, trying to be swanky.
D’iarr sí orm ~ a bheith déanach, she asked me not to be late.
Iarraim ort é de gheall ar Dhia, I ask it of you for God’s sake.
~thaí gan iarraidh, (i) unwanted matters, (ii) busybodies.
Tá ~ ar an leabhar sin, that book is in demand.
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