There are a growing number of The Circle Way trainers and consultants in various parts of the world. These people have grown their own practices over the years and have stepped into the work of training and practice. They are available to work as consultants who will facilitate the circle where you live (for planning sessions, events, conferences, etc.), or bring training to your organization or community so that you can learn to host your own circles. A list of our global colleagues is provided below. 

Please note the people listed here represent only a small portion of skilled colleagues. Many people are facilitating The Circle Way circles embedded in organizations or communities and are not available for hired work beyond those situations.

If you are an active practitioner of The Circle Way and want to connect with others doing this work, you are welcome to join our Facebook group The Circle Way Practitioners.

Jan Adam, Netherlands, Europe

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Facilitator, trainer, advisor in the field of development, change and learning. Especially interested in (shared) leadership issues. Authentic, intuitive and creative. More than 20 years experience in guiding group processes. Inspired by nature and its spirituality. After working so long as a facilitator and trainer with groups in so many different ways and methods, The Circle Way is an inspiration and relief. I want to spread the wonderful work of Ann & Christina in the best possible way in the Netherlands and put it together with my good and adept colleague Diana Donselaar. We love to share and teach the benefits and magic of The Circle Way in any social and organisational context, although we are mostly working in a not for profit surrounding at this moment. I may be contacted: 031 6 51049044 or [email protected].

Rangineh Azimzadeh Tehrani, MA, CPF, Sacramento, CA, USA

Rangineh is a Circle Practitioner, Certified Professional Facilitator©, and the Principal and Founder of Solh Resolutions International. She has over 15 years of experience facilitating deeply human spaces that center connection and community, and has worked with cross-sector organizations (domestically and internationally) ranging from community-based organizations to local governments. Rangineh lives into her core values of empathy and self-awareness through her work with The Circle Way (TCW) as well as her unique approach to conflict. Her Conflict Consciousness Workshop Series creates a carefully curated container for groups to take a deeply introspective view of how and why they show up in conflict as the first steps to cultivating true transformation. She also understands the need for, and value of healing in the face of the compounding effects of systematic oppression. To this end, Rangineh curates spaces intentionally designed for healing and restoration. Rangineh received her B.A. in Communications Studies from Portland State University, and her M.A. in International Conflict Resolution from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. As part of her academic work and commitment to integration of a broader worldview, Rangineh also studied Spanish, Italian, and Arabic. She also completed academic programs in Italy, Cyprus, Thailand, and Cambodia, as well as professional development programs in Palestine, Czech Republic, and Turkey. To connect, please email [email protected].

Melissa Bailey-Kirk, Springfield, Missouri, USA

Circle facilitation trainer and host. In addition, I have the capacity to host Open Space, facilitate Non-Violent Communication, and lead groups in processes of discernment and visioning. I am skilled at creating processes and safe spaces that assist groups in acknowledging conflict and shadow, and moving together toward resolutions that serve the unifying intention and purpose of the group. At the core of my work is the belief that each person and group brings unique gifts and skills to their business, staff team, congregation, family, school, and community. Through circle, safe conversation, individual work, and communal work, persons may discover these gifts and begin to offer them with generosity and courage. I enjoy the rich interaction between play and work, laughter and anxiety, light and shadow; all are wise teachers. My special interests include religious communities, spiritual leaders, educators, counselors, caregivers, staff teams. I will travel globally. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 816-806-1239.

LeAnn Blackert and Ivy Thomas, southern British Columbia, including the Victoria area, Canada

Circle Way practitioners/trainers, spiritual retreat leaders. We have been facilitating and teaching active learners for an accumulated 60 years. Our focus is on building healthy communities of respect, honouring diversity and connecting with spirit as you understand it. We specialize in working with faith communities providing Spirit filled leadership and a grounded foundation to build from. Incorporated into our trainings and retreats are Story-telling, World Cafe, Open Space and Appreciative Inquiry. Contact us at: [email protected]; [email protected].

Matthias zur Bonsen, Germany, Europe

Circle facilitator and trainer. Experienced senior consultant for organizational change and development. Pioneered (since 1994) pathbreaking participative methods for small and large groups in German-speaking Europe. Co-Founder of consulting practice all in one spirit. Author of several books and numerous articles. Spearheaded the translation of The Circle Way into German, and co-wrote the introduction of the German version with his colleagues Jutta Herzog and Myriam Mathys. I enjoy supporting organizations and groups unleashing their untapped potential. I also love to help senior leaders discover ways to achieve more with less effort. I work in German and English. See the websites: for a full description of what I do. I may be contacted at [email protected] or at +49 6171 56251.

Robin Caruthers, Cleveland area, Ohio, USA

Circle Way practitioner and facilitator. I am interested in helping spiritual seekers and anyone who would like to learn and experience a life-giving way of being in community. I have been hosting and facilitating groups since 2008 and I have a passion for creating safe spaces and promoting self-awareness and authenticity. The Circle Way has been an integral part of my own personal and professional growth and I would love to pass this learning on to those who are looking for a transformative way of working or living together. I can be reached at [email protected] or 314.896.1236.

Sharon Faulds, Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada


As a facilitator of the Circle Way Sharon designs, teaches and hosts space that invites people into conversations welcoming our differences, sharing leadership, building relationships, and collaboration. Circle process deepens our capacity to listen, slow down, to talk our story and dreams into reality. With over 30 years of experience in health care she is passionate about helping individuals, teams, leaders and organizations in building capacity to thrive in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Sharon holds a Masters in Leadership from Royal Roads University, and is a Registered Nurse. She has hosted and taught circle processes in a variety of environments in healthcare, communities, conferences, retreats, learning circles for collecting qualitative data for research and local community woman’s gatherings. See my website at and I can be reached at [email protected]

Amanda Fenton, Vancouver area, BC, Canada

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My work is designing, hosting and teaching participatory group processes to spark new thinking, foster collaborative leadership, navigate uncertainty and possibility, accelerate learning, and move to wiser action. My sweet spot is designing meaningful conversations that combine good work with deeper relationships in a rich learning environment, both in-person and online. My interests range from meetings, strategic conversations, retreats and conferences, to longer-term participatory engagement projects, to circle and participatory process training and coaching. You can find me online at and I can be reached at [email protected].

Nancy Fritsche Eagan, New York City area, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Consultant, facilitator/ trainer, Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter steward and practitioner. I am skilled in PeerSpirit’s The Circle Way, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, World Café, storytelling, project management and other participatory and engagement tools. I partner primarily with public, social sector, socially conscious, community and faith-based organizations to co-design and co-facilitate strategic conversations and interventions. I like to deal with challenges and build capacity through transformative meetings that focus on purpose, process, results, and impact. See my website at or e-mail me at [email protected] or 212-233-0043.

Roq Gareau, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Circle practitioner and facilitator, consultant and men’s group leader. I enjoy working in small and large groups, using participatory hosting methods such as The Circle Way, World Cafe, Storytelling and Open Space. My passion lies in working with intact teams who wish to experience a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. I like to help folks have those difficult conversations they would rather avoid, but know they have to get to if things are to get better. I am particularly interested in how hierarchical contexts of command and control co-exist with models of shared leadership within organizations. My website is: Feel free to reach me by email at [email protected].

Jeanne Guy, Austin area, Texas, USA

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Jeanne Guy of Jeanne Guy Gatherings is a writer and teacher who has been offering re-story workshops and retreats since 1995 to help people explore and reframe their lives. Her Re-Story Circles rely on the social container of collective wisdom with the objective of inspiring individual growth through the use of reflective writing prompts and deep conversation in small circles. She also uses the Circle process to “help groups draw on wellsprings of insight, information and story that inspire collective wisdom and action” as per the Circle Way. Her sense of humor and her encouraging facilitation style put people at ease and create a safe space for people to explore their lives and their actions. Her website; and she can be reached via email at [email protected].

Penny Hamilton, Brisbane, Australia


Penny works with circle-based methodologies to engage people in creative ways to meet, think together, ignite leadership, make collective decisions, innovate and find solutions that move groups toward their vision. She works with leadership, community members, people with disability, and teams to unlock their collective wisdom and step into their personal leadership. She has contributed to this body of work as a process designer and host, teacher and coach of participatory processes including The Circle Way, World Café, Open Space Technology, and Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter. You can contact Penny at [email protected]

Linette Harriott, Melbourne, Australia

Linette’s client engagement, project and meeting design and facilitation skills have been built over 32 years of working in community, government and not for profit sectors. Her work focuses on ensuring every voice is heard and decisions supporting profound and sustainable change are made using innovative forms of facilitation and inquiry such as storytelling, World Cafe, Open Space and Circle. Linette‘s passion is exploring the intersections of power and control in relation to gender, age, sexuality, ability, culture and class through a human rights framework to support structural change. She works at the Centre for Multicultural Youth as well as providing training in family violence elimination, school governance child safety. You can contact her at [email protected].

Holger Heller, Vienna area, Austria, Europe

Circle practitioner and trainer, transformation consultant, facilitator and systemic coach. Experienced also in participatory leadership and the art of hosting, systemic organizational development and change. I enjoy working with organizations and individuals who want to explore and unfold their full potential, to clear their purpose for themselves, their organization and for their contribution to our globe and its people - and/or to pass transformation journeys mindfully. I love to practice the power of circle in organizational development processes as well as to reshape meetings and conferences to give new meaning - and to make them spaces of powerful collective intelligence. Special interests: hosting, facilitating and coaching organizations, networks and individuals being open to walk new paths for exploring their quest. You may contact me at:, [email protected], +43 664 44 075 99. Happy to travel Europe wide (preference: by train) and globally.

Jutta Herzog, Germany, Europe

Circle facilitator and trainer. Experienced senior consultant for organizational change and development. Co-Founder of consulting practiceall in one spirit. Produced two movies featuring groundbreaking large group methods and supported my partner Matthias zur Bonsen writing his books. I have passion for assisting top level leaders bringing to life their deepest wishes for their organizations. As well I love to work with small and large groups by being aware that leadership is in everyone. I want to help grow authentic and inspired communities. See our websites: and for a full description of what I do. I may be contacted at [email protected] or at +49 6221 168344. 

Myriam Mathys, Switzerland and Germany, Europe

Circle facilitator and trainer. Experienced senior consultant for organizational change and development. As a former senior manager, I am committed to bringing this method and attitude to communicate to each other especially into the business world. It´s marvelous how leading teams can transform their meetings to a place from where much more efficiency and effectivity results, after they have been trained how to reach high quality dialogues in Circles! I am also a facilitator and trainer for World Café, Open Space Technology and Dynamic Facilitation. I am convinced of the need for a holistic leadership development, and I am passionate to support leaders, teams and organizations in companies and organizations on their ways to unfold their full potential. See my website for a full description of what I do. I may be contacted at [email protected].

Dianne McCoy, MA, PCC, Manitoba area, Canada

Circle facilitator host and trainer, coach and consultant. I am also experienced in hosting World Café and Open Space for meaningful dialogue. I am a storycatcher and understand the power of story to heal, align, and envision. I enjoy the opportunity to partner with others which adds value to the meaningful work we can do with clients, teams and communities. Special interests: government, education, nonprofit organizations and boards in building leadership practices. See my for a full description of what I do. I may be contacted at: [email protected] or 204-885-1586. Will travel globally.

Kristie McLean, Seattle, Washington USA


I am a circle practitioner, coach, documentary photographer and writer who creates safe sanctuary, deep taproots and beauty within challenging environments and communities who are largely overlooked. I am actively engaged in hosting work (circle way, non-violent communication, emotional and cultural intelligence, appreciative inquiry and multimedia storytelling) in the Washington State prison system and with Obstetric Fistula patients in Ethiopia. My passion for building bridges between complex social and humanitarian issues and sustainable, transformational change has led me across 6 continents. To explore local or global partnerships, please visit, or contact me at [email protected].

Chantilly Mers, New York-New Jersey, USA


Indigenous circle keeper, host, facilitator, and justice educator. I curate and craft spaces that animate our interconnectedness, vulnerability, and mutuality. It brings me joy to weave meaning making practices, both embodied and ancient ways of knowing, through ritual, storytelling, poetry, contemplation, music and communal singing. I work well with spiritual and faith-based organizations, activist-organizer communities, as well as nonprofits with commitments to equity and justice. Find more of my work at or email me at [email protected]. Will travel globally.

Marjeta Novak, Washington DC, USA

I am a system change consultant and facilitator with 20 years of experience guiding strategic dialogues that bring together unlikely allies to tackle complex, interconnected issues. I love using strengths-based approaches that help people reclaim their power, connectedness, agency, and joy to collaborate. The circle blueprint—meeting as equals to share stories, insights, and ideas in ways that open new doors for who we can be together—is at the heart of my work. I am deeply moved by the power of story and lived experience—within circle contexts and as a tool for gaining insights into complex realities. I collaborate with Voices That Count, a global network of storywork facilitators applying large-scale listening to plan and monitor the social impact of initiatives worldwide. Now based in the greater Washington DC area, I maintain close connections to Europe and my native, delightful Slovenia. More about me: You can reach me at [email protected]

Nam Pham, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam

I am a dialogue process facilitator and a holding space practitioner with The Circle Way process as my core methodology, and as a way of being in the complex world. I offer circle (co-)design and circle (co-)hosting in personal transformation settings and in organizational/communal settings. My work is mainly based in Viet Nam, assisting local community-building work and organizational culture shift towards a more conversational, relational and co-creative way of being together. I have worked with mental health professionals, social workers. medical institutions, NGOs and corporations in dialogue workshop custom design, retreat hosting and facilitation skills training. Currently, I am co-designing and co-hosting The Circle Way training in our Vietnamese language under Healing Circles Network Vietnam, alongside co-teaching the Holding Space Foundation Program under The International Centre for Holding Space. You can reach out to me at (Vietnamese) or [email protected] (English).

Tatiana van Rijswijk-Koot, Netherlands, Europe


As coach and trainer, therapist and entrepreneur and author of the Personal Development Game, it is important for me to be able to contribute to the development of people and organizations in a way that is well-founded both practical and theoretical. To me, it is essential to show my clients the honest attention and interest they deserve. The Circle Way has become a way of life in my work because that is where the essence of attention, interest, listening and personal leadership creates the art of changing, the art of developing. I can be reached at [email protected] or 0642230545. 

Richard Rivera, New York area, USA


I specialize in organizational change/transformation, strategic development and human resource training for nonprofit, government, and healthcare organizations. As a Circle Way practitioner, I integrate The Circle Way methodology into all dimensions of my consulting work, with expertise that includes specialized services around racial equity, leadership development, executive coaching, strategic development, board development, team building, employee engagement, and organizational assessments. I am also a global steward of the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter and has facilitated these trainings at the NYU Wagner School, the Baruch Graduate School of Public Affairs, the Center for Social Innovation and numerous child welfare and school programs in NYC. I can be reached at [email protected].

Quanita Roberson, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

I am a Circle host who’s work combines the lineage of ancient African Circle Wisdom with the felt sense and methodology of The Circle Way. Circle has birthed me into this world through my family at a very early age. I am a we’ver, a person who invites people into a dance that we’ves them into a them. We’ves them into a beautiful tapestry of love and belonging. Intermingling hearts over and under each other changing both the story and the we’ver. My work over the past 20 years has been focused in the areas of healing, initiation, grief, leadership, diversity, and inclusion. I have a background in Organizational Management and Development with a concentration in Integral Theory. I can be reached at, [email protected], and 513-476-0416.

Steve Ryman, American Abroad/Europe/China

Who am I? That is a rich question that deserves the opportunity for a good conversation, not something that I am comfortable answering in a few written words. My life and my work are about discovering deeper answers to powerful questions like this through authentic conversations and about supporting others in developing the capacity to design, call and host meaningful conversations. These conversations take place with individuals, groups, organizations and with nature throughout the world and they utilize practices including The Circle Way, Flow Game, and the Art of Hosting. I am pleased to offer my gifts in the spirit of the gift economy, freely offered without expectation of compensation and to practice gratitude for the gifts that I receive in return. I am a global nomad, willing to travel anywhere in response to an invitation to be involved in meaningful work. I can be reached at [email protected].

Pamela Sampel, SPHR, Washington USA

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Experienced senior leader with 20+ years of service in executive, strategic, and operational management and HR/OD consulting. Special expertise in collaborative leadership and team development, emotional intelligence coaching, retreat and meeting facilitation, and change management. My specializations are the development of innovative, passionate and unique global cultures that attract and allow creative people to thrive and produce extraordinary results in both the for-profit and non-profit worlds. I’m a clear communicator with a proven ability to inspire, motivate and lead others and myself to pursue higher purposes and actions that create outstanding personal and organizational results. I’m skilled at The Circle Way facilitation, MBTI consulting, leadership coaching, and career/life transition coaching. I have both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and am also a Benedictine Oblate at St. Placid Priory in Lacey, Washington. In addition, I have an irreverent sense of humor and love laughing out loud. I can be reached at [email protected].

Beth Sanders MCIP RPP, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Host, leader, consultant, professional city planner. I create learning habitats for city systems to see themselves and organize for wise decision making and action. The Circle Way is an essential element of my work to create the conditions for social habitats that more fully support the work we long to do (the force that regenerates our cities) and our physical habitat. I enjoy working with the tension that comes with diversity and conflict, as these are necessary journeys to grow healthy cities and communities. I love to dig into the undercurrents, to tease out what’s really going on, and I love a good laugh. Special interests: wilderness and weaving together the systems of cities and community – citizens, community organizations, public institutions and the business community. See my website: for a full description of what I do. I can be reached at [email protected] or 780-886-0354.

Holger Scholz, Germany, Europe

Facilitation trainer, change facilitator and process consultant. I am experienced in large and small group interventions, Organizational Change and cross-sector collaboration (e.g. Future Search, Appreciative Inquiry Summit, World Café, Open Space, Whole Scale Change, Dynamic Facilitation, The Circle Way, Dialogue). I believe in positive attitude, meaningful conversations and a philosophy of (change) emergence. Special interests: family, extended family, wilderness skills, campfire, walkabouts, visual facilitation, unconference. See my website: for full description of what I/we do. I may be contacted at: [email protected] or+49 (0)221 – 98 93 68 63. Will travel globally.

Lisa Smith, Central Nebraska, USA

Circle host and trainer, with emphasis on educational systems. I use Circle and related structures to teach and support educators and educational systems to develop inclusive, dialogue-driven, participatory, and inquiry-based classrooms and schools. Working with emerging, novice, and practicing educators who serve students of all levels–Kindergarten through post-secondary—has revealed the potential for learning communities strengthened by the practice of Circle. In addition to teaching with and about the Circle process, I host community groups for people who seek a collaborative means to achieve their goals. I am in service to a diverse range of people at a global level. Please contact me via email at [email protected] or by phone at 402.469.7195.

Barbara Thorngren, M.Ed., New England area, USA


I am an educator and workshop facilitator specializing in experiential activities that enhance positive, constructive communication. The Circle Way process is the foundation of custom-designed meetings where I guide participants to explore their topics or issues and then collaborate to find creative solutions. I often invite my animals to co-facilitate these meetings and may also employ expressive arts activities. I have specialized training in Collaborative Education and the Circle Process with a focus on teambuilding, communication and conflict transformation skills. My work reflects shared responsibility and shared leadership, and is grounded in community service and conflict transformation. In addition to teaching at the elementary, middle school, high school, and college levels, I’ve been a nurse, volunteer firefighter, and an emergency medical technician. I bring an element of health awareness and healing to every aspect of my work. PeaceWorks New Hampshire, LLC, the culmination of my 30 years of working in healthcare and education, is the umbrella for the AVALON Healing Arts Barn Studio where I conduct on-site programs. I offer the AVALON barn, and its 7 acres of fields, farm animals, forest and wildlife, as a dynamic retreat for learning, exploring, problem-solving, resting, and rejuvenating. Also, willing to travel globally to your destination. You can contact me through or at [email protected]

Diana van Donselaar, Netherlands, Europe

Senior facilitator and coach for individuals and teams. Helping them to show mastery in personal leadership, work from their passion and heart and showing the best version of themselves in a dynamic environment. For this I use the following qualities: energetic, refreshing, simple and effective. I love to connect recent Western development methods with old Oriental and Shamanic wisdom. For example, Appreciative Inquiry and Systemic Constellations with the wisdom coming from Taoism, Shamanic work, Martial Arts and Yoga. For me ‘The circle Way’ is an inspiring and powerful example of such a combination. It invites people really to speak from their heart and center. As the Circle starts, it is astonishing to feel the power and depth of old wisdom, beautifully transformed into daily and present use and conversation. I feel honoured to spread this great work and will do this as sincerely and authentically as I can, together with my dear colleague, Jan Adam. You can contact me through [email protected] or 0031015501717.

Amelie Vesper, Germany, Europe


Visual facilitator, facilitator, process consultant, facilitative trainer and yoga teacher. I am experienced in group interventions and coaching, using tools like Future Search, Appreciative Inquiry Summit, World Café, Open Space, Whole Scale Change, Dynamic Facilitation, The Circle Way, Dialogue and more. I believe "The Circle Way" brings humanity back in organizations, helps to enhance understanding and improves collaboration. Special interests: yoga, embodiment, sports, music, nature, cooking, travelling, family and friends. See my website: or for full description of what I/we do. I may be contacted at: [email protected] or +49 (0)221 – 98936863. Will travel globally and work in German or English.

Roswitha Vesper, Germany, Europe

Facilitation trainer, change facilitator and process consultant, mediator and coach. I am experienced in large and small group interventions, Organizational Change and cross-sector collaboration (e.g. Future Search, Appreciative Inquiry Summit, World Café, Open Space, Whole Scale Change, Dynamic Facilitation, The Circle Way, Dialogue). I believe in positive attitude, meaningful conversations and a philosophy of (change) emergence. Special interests: yoga, integration of body, mind and soul, nature, family and friends, Doppelkopf games and Kölner Karneval. See my website: for full description of what I/we do. I may be contacted at [email protected] or+49 (0)221 – 98 93 68 63. Will travel globally.

Natalija Vrhunc, M.Sc., Slovenia, Europe


A group process facilitator, host and coach. In my work I apply principles of Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter. I am skillful in technologies such as Open Space, World Café, Proaction Café, Collective Story Harvesting, Circle, Böhmian Dialogue and others. I work with different clients, mostly with public administration. Facilitation and hosting offer me life learning opportunities to learn and work on how to enable people to co-create and live in joyful learning together, feeling free in their expression and safe in all kinds of diversities, to listen to and respect each other. I am active on the managing board of the Slovenian Association of Facilitators, since its establishment. I can work in Slovenian, Croatian, and English languages. See my website and contact me at [email protected].

Katharine Weinmann, Alberta, Canada


Companion to the inner life. Teacher-Practitioner of The Circle Way. Writer of life’s rescued, “wabi-sabi” moments. Training and hosting multi-generational circles where story, uncertainty, and complexity are embraced, and shadow is illuminated for resiliency, creativity and wisdom to emerge. Special interests: public education, community development, teaching, supporting leaders. To learn more about me, please visit or contact me at [email protected], or 780-467-9541. I’d enjoy seeing the world, working with you.

Olivier Winghart, France, Europe

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The Circle Way practitioner, host and facilitator. As an Art of Hosting practitioner, I can host Open Space or World Café sessions. As a Gestalt therapist, I am also educated in group process and group psychotherapy. I am a great fan of the Circle for its simplicity and power, in personal life, in organizations, or in the public space. Training one’s capacity to listen, living a space of equivalence in a small group, sharing personal stories in uncertain times, slowing down and sometimes going into silence: all qualities that I want to support and facilitate. Some of my special interests are zen buddhism, yoga, sensory awareness, and phenomenology. I feel at home in France and Sweden and I can function well in English, French, Spanish and Swedish. Much of what I do is shown on my website You may contact me at: [email protected], or +33 761 993 768.

Tenneson Woolf, Utah USA

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I am a facilitator, workshop leader, teacher, blogger, and coach committed to improving the quality of collaboration and imagination needed in groups, teams, and organizations — to help us be in times such as these with consciousness, kindness, and learning. My work over 20+ years has been to design and lead meetings in participative formats. From strategic visioning with boards to large conference design to communities just learning to listen again to one another. Lately I have been working with community organizers, faith communities, and educators. I post a daily blog, Human to Human, in which I offer reflection on varied aspects of participative leadership practices, insights, and human to human depth. Living systems, self-organization, and emergence inspire all of my work. So does emptiness, breath, or a fresh-picked garden tomato. My work lineages include The Berkana Institute with Margaret Wheatley, The Circle Way with Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, and The Art of Hosting with Toke Moeller. I live in a small town where urban meets rural in Lindon, Utah, at the foot of the Wasatch Mountains. I’m originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A new love for me is kayaking. I can be reached at, [email protected] and 801 376 2213.