Free and easy to use project calculators
Simplify your projects with our free to use calculators. Our tools are designed to save you time and money on every project. From paint to tiles, paving to wallpaper - get precise material estimates in seconds. No more guesswork, just efficient planning. Calculate material needs quickly and accurately.
No more overestimating or underestimating.
Get the job done right, the first time.
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Project calculators FAQs
We have put together some frequently asked questions on how to use our project calculators.
It's easy to use our calculators - just click on the type of calculator you need and you will be taken directly to a page with all the information you need to work out how much you need for your project.
We want to make sure you have everything you need, so double-check your measurements to be on the safe side. While we can't be held responsible for purchases based on slight calculation mishaps, we're always happy to help you double-check things if you have any questions.
Absolutely. You can use these project calculators as many times as you need to.
Unfortunately not. The calculators are available online only.