Trazy - Book Travel Crazy Things to do in Asia

How it all began.

Trazy started as two ladies duo who couldn’t help but decide that they needed to build a travel platform where travelers can truly discover the latest happenings in their travel destination.

Despite how popular Korea’s becoming as a travel destination, we felt that it was still difficult for foreign travelers to find out what they can do and where they can visit.

Since we also experienced how frustrating traveling was, we decided that we should provide the best deals and offers in the most convenient way possible for the foreign travelers coming to Korea and Asia.

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trazy website

Our Baby is a one stop travel booking site where you can easily find the latest, trendiest, newest things to do in Korea & Asia at the best price.

From travel activities, tours, performance & concert tickets, passes to beauty make-up experiences, Trazy is #1 in both quantity and quality.

We guarantee only the best of the best!
Go Travel, Go Crazy, Go Trazy!

Explore Trazy Now!

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Too much thinking (ex. Pursuing strict logic and process) hinders creativity and innovation. We value those who can think outside of the box, who can make it happen and who are brave enough to take whatever challenges in life.

Show your potential. You will be the one who can change the world.

We welcome your enthusiasm 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Please send your resume and an brief summary of what you can and want to do to

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