We negotiated the ability for individual high schools to offer school-based virtual learning (SBVL) in the 2023 collective bargaining agreement. SBVL gives schools and UFT members the ability to offer expanded educational opportunities to students, expand equity and access to all high schools, and provide additional opportunities for students to pursue accelerated, elective and other coursework previously unavailable. SBVL also offers educators, students and families increased flexibility to provide instruction in creative ways at different times, including after traditional school hours and on weekends.
As educators, we know virtual learning is not appropriate for all students or UFT members. As unionists, we know it is imperative that the union ensure we negotiate and monitor constant shifts in education to ensure the protection of our profession and optimal student outcomes.
During the 2023-24 school year, 19 high schools offered SBVL to their students. Participation in SBVL is voluntary for UFT members, students and families. While some courses were offered during the school day, most classes were offered for additional pro rata pay.
In addition, two high schools are offering more substantial virtual learning opportunities to NYC high school students. A School Without Walls (M395) started in 2022 offering both in-person and virtual instruction to students. That same year, the Virtual Innovators Academy (X636) offered virtual instruction to students, along with a few in-person activities.
Seven years ago, the UFT negotiated a pilot with one science teacher. Today, 25 teachers are participating in the Virtual Learning Classroom program, through which students receive virtual instruction in their home schools from UFT educators in another location.
In the 2024-25 school year, 135 schools are offering some form of SBVL. As a union, we will continue to meet and organize to share our collective knowledge, discuss best practices, identify and avoid potential issues and as always ensure we, the ones doing the work, have primary say in how the work is done.
Send any questions, concerns, comments or ideas regarding virtual learning to teamhighschool@uft.org or contact us at 212-598-9217.
No, and here’s why:
Virtual learning is described in the 2023 MOA with the goal of becoming “the first major public-school system to develop, implement and expand high-quality virtual instruction and related services, for all students who choose this option.”
The Department of Education defines credit recovery as “intensive instruction in a student’s identified area(s) of deficiency only. In credit recovery, students do not retake the full course. They instead work with a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher to relearn and master the areas in which they need support.”
Virtual learning classes should be full courses and not credit recovery. To be credit bearing, virtual classes bearing must address NYSED commencement-level learning standards and provide the opportunity for 54 hours of instructional time per credit under the supervision of a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher, who determines student competency of learning outcomes for the course.
The General Rules for Virtual Learning outlined in the 2023 MOA specify that:
-All virtual assignments shall be posted. No staff will be involuntarily assigned to teach a virtual class.
-Virtual instructional periods may combine synchronous, asynchronous and small group instruction.
-All students participating in virtual learning will be part of a class and a school.
-All participating staff will be provided with pre-assignment and on-going training.
-All virtual classes and related service sessions shall be compliant with current SED regulations, IEP mandates and Board Academic policy.
-Article 15 of the Teachers’ Contract and the 8/23/16 “Pro Rata Teaching Assignment” agreement shall apply to virtual assignments.
-Teachers will only be assigned to virtual learning assignments for students that have opted to participate in virtual classes.
More about virtual learning
Empowering educators with technology
Janella Hinds, UFT Vice President for Academic High Schools, writes that we need to lead — not follow — on innovation that affects our practice.
Inviting our members to a seat at the table
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