The Committee on Divine Worship, a standing committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has the responsibility for all matters relating to the Liturgy. The Secretariat of Divine Worship carries out the work of the Committee on Divine Worship, by:

  • overseeing the preparation and approval of liturgical books and texts and granting the concordat cum originali for publications of liturgical texts in the United States;
  • reviewing all publications in the United States which contain excerpts from approved liturgical books;
  • providing leadership in liturgical formation and sacramental catechesis, especially by means of its monthly Newsletter and other publications; and
  • serving as a resource for Bishops and Diocesan liturgical commissions and offices of Worship seeking advice.

Mandate and Goals for the Committee

The committee assists the bishops of the Latin Church, both collectively and individually, in fulfilling their roles as priests and leaders of the worshiping community, especially with the translation of liturgical text and the development of guidelines for the celebration of the Mass and the sacraments. The committee addresses in a particular way prayer and worship within culturally diverse communities.

This mandate includes the following areas of responsibility: For the Latin Church, liturgical practice within the United States, translation and adaptation of liturgical texts, sacred music, and national shrines.

Key Mission Responsibilities

  1. Translating, adapting, reviewing, and promoting liturgical texts, especially for the Mass and the celebration of the sacraments;
  2. Developing pastoral practices and guidelinesfor various liturgical questions and issues, including musical settings and adaptations for use in culturally diverse communities of the Church in the United States;
  3. Reviewing liturgical participation aids and musical settings;
  4. Responding to specific questions from bishops and providing information when requested to bishops and diocesan offices; and
  5. Collaborating with USCCB Communications in the publications of liturgical text and rituals

Key Mission Relationships

  1. With related committees and offices of the USCCB, especially the Committees on Doctrine and Cultural Diversity in the Church;
  2. With dioceses and national liturgical groups with regard to guidelines and consultation;
  3. With the Holy See;
  4. With the body of bishops in regard to the relationship with ICEL; and
  5. With other USCCB committees and offices that request review and consultation

The Transforming Power of the Liturgy

Devoted participation in the liturgy transforms the Christian faithful, and, having been transformed, they become capable of transforming the world. The liturgy has power to transform us, not only by our participation in it, but by works inspired by faith, such as to:

  • care for the sick and dying;
  • cherish and cultivate vocations to Holy Orders and the consecrated life;
  • go forth with the Gospel to those on the margins and peripheries of society;
  • uphold the dignity of all races and ethnicities;
  • care for our common home; and
  • gladly receive migrants, refugees, and the poor.

We bear fruit interiorly by being transformed by God’s gift of grace operating through the liturgy, which leads us to prayer and devotion. We bear fruit exteriorly by moving to action, transforming the world around us, fulfilling the good works of faith communicated in the liturgy. In this way, the liturgy is the source and summit of Christian life and action.

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