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North American Breeding Bird Survey Results and Analysis
This website provides visualizations of population change for North American birds using data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). The BBS is analyzed for a "core" area (contiguous United States and southern Canada, results available from 1966-present), and for an "expanded" survey area (including portions of Alaska and northern Canada with results from 1993-present).
Riparian Climate Refugia Data Explorer
Identifying areas expected to remain buffered from climate change and maintain biodiversity and ecological function is important for climate adaptation planning. As structurally diverse transitional zones between terrestrial and aquatic environments, riparian areas are often biological hotspots and provide critical corridors for species movement, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions.
Experimental Forecast for River Chlorophyll
This app displays historical total chlorophyll observations at U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gaging stations, forecasts from the USGS models currently submitted to the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI)-USGS River Chlorophyll Forecasting Challenge, and forecasted driver data used to create the models in a user-friendly interface.
U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map
A web-based interactive map that combines the national landslide inventory compilation with the national landslide susceptibility map. This searchable map integrates contributions from various local, state, and federal agencies and offers links to the original digital inventory files for more detailed information.
Pennsylvania's Long-Term Surface-Water Quality Network
USGS, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP), has released a geonarrative detailing the sampling of a network of surface water sites across Pennsylvania.
Geologic Hydrogen Prospectivity Map Explorer
The Geologic Hydrogen Prospectivity Map Explorer hosts various geologic and geophysical data layers in support of the U.S. Geological Survey’s initiative to map the potential of geologic hydrogen within the conterminous U.S. This first-ever Hydrogen Map Explorer contains 19 input maps and 7 integrated maps that highlight prospective areas for naturally occurring hydrogen across the country.
Water Availability in the United States
This interactive website highlights key scientific findings of the National Water Availability Assessment report through engaging stories, plain-language explanations, and interactive data visualizations.
National Water Availability Assessment Data Companion
The National Water Availability Assessment Data Companion (NWDC) delivers model-based estimates of water supply and demand.
Runoff Estimates for California
Streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs are important natural resources for irrigation, public supply, wetlands and wildlife. Excess precipitation that flows into these sources is called runoff, and it's an important drought indicator. The California Water Science Center tracks both monthly and annual runoff.
IntELiMon (Interagency Ecosystem LiDAR Monitoring) Interactive Viewer
IntELiMon (Interagency Ecosystem LiDAR Monitoring) Interactive Viewer
Landsat Science
Providing the longest continuous science record of the Earth’s surface from space.
Beaufort Sea Data Visualizations
The Arctic Ocean is undergoing dramatic sea ice reduction and warming conditions. The researchers of this project use microfossils from sediment cores taken in the Beaufort Sea to rebuild the climate patterns, sea ice and circulation, and ecosystems from the past 2000 years. Three interactive data visualizations help tell this story.