
Nikola Milosevic

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Nikola Milosevic
Rigaud Benoit was a well-known and respected Haitian artist who was an early member of the Haitian art movement known as Naive Art.
Nikola Milosevic
Michael Massaia is an American Photographer and Printmaker widely known and recognized for B&W images of New York City in the moments of quietude.
Nikola Milosevic
Theodore Lukits was a Romanian American artist widely known and recognized for portraits and landscape paintings. He came to the United States in 1899.
Nikola Milosevic
Antony Densham is an abstract artist known for his distinctive approach to capturing the ephemeral qualities of the landscape.
Nikola Milosevic
Evoking a sense of freedom and lightness, Amaury Maillet is a French artist whose work captivates with its complex yet poetic structures.
Nikola Milosevic
Brian Aris is a British photographer widely known for his celebrity portraits. He began his photographic career as a photojournalist in the 1970s.
Nikola Milosevic
David Tobey is an American artist whose work explores the aesthetic between visual abstraction and music. He is also a Juilliard trained violinist.
Nikola Milosevic
Patrick Faure is an artist who addresses the issues facing human survival, using an unexpected juxtaposition of images and culture.
Nikola Milosevic
Dan Springer is an American illustrator/painter/caricaturist. He studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, earning his BFA in Illustration in 1991.
Nikola Milosevic
Dorte Verner is a Danish photographer whose work focuses on vulnerable and voiceless people that never make it to the news.
Nikola Milosevic
Barry Kramer was an American photographer known for capturing the golden age of American culture and entertainment in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.
Nikola Milosevic
Meunier Viana is a Portuguese contemporary artist widely known and recognized for his drawings. He had a solo show in 2024 titled Vacarme du silence.
Nikola Milosevic
Christopher Petsos is a New York-based artist and photographer known for capturing Light, pattern, texture, color and motion across the urban realm.
Nikola Milosevic
Viet Chu is an artist who chose photography as one of the mediums for sharing his perspective on the beauty of people, life and things.
Nikola Milosevic
Jeff Donaldson was a well-known American artist whose work helped define the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
Nikola Milosevic
Thornton Willis is an American artist widely known and recognized for his abstract paintings. Born in Pensacola, Florida, he moved to New York in 1967.
Nikola Milosevic
Dorothy Fratt was an American artist. Known for her expressive use of color and eloquent compositions, she was a prominent exponent of color field painting.
Nikola Milosevic
Lou Zansky was an American comic artist and illustrator. Not much is known about his life. Born in 1920, he passed away in 1978.
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