title (P1476)

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published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work
  • original title
  • known as
  • full title
  • headline
  • titled
  • name
  • page name
  • article title
Language Label Description Also known as
default for all languages
No label defined
    published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work
    • original title
    • known as
    • full title
    • headline
    • titled
    • name
    • page name
    • article title

    Data type

    Monolingual text


    0 references
    Nature (British English)
    0 references
    On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (English)
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references


    (?i)((?!\b(<br>|<br />|<br/>|</br>)).)*
    remove html formatting from title (line break tag) (English)
    從標題中刪除超本文標記語言格式(換行標記) (Chinese)
    0 references
    remove html formatting from title (italics tag) (English)
    從標題中刪除超本文標記語言格式(斜體標籤) (Chinese)
    0 references
    remove html formatting from title (bold or emphasis tag) (English)
    從標題中刪除超本文標記語言格式(粗體或重點標記) (Chinese)
    0 references
    remove html formatting from title (paragraph tag) (English)
    從標題中刪除超本文標記語言格式(段落標記) (Chinese)
    0 references
    set English title in square brackets to deprecated rank (and set qualifier: P2241=Q110678154) and add original language title with normal rank (English)
    將方括號中的英文標題設置為不推薦使用的排名(and set qualifier: P2241=Q110678154)並添加具有正常排名的原始語言標題 (Chinese)
    0 references
    deprecated constraint: too broad (see others below) (English)
    棄用約束:太寬泛(參見下面的其他內容) (Chinese)
    0 references
    deprecated constraint. Titles with ISBN seem to be mainly book reviews. Add "main subject"-statement with item about work. (English)
    棄用約束。 ISBN的標題似乎主要是書評。 添加“主要主題” - 關於工作的項目的陳述。 (Chinese)
    0 references
    deprecated constraint. Aims to identify biographies. (English)
    棄用約束。 旨在識別傳記。 (Chinese)
    0 references
    (?i)((?!\b(obituary|in memoriam)).)*
    deprecated constraint. Aims to identify obituaries (English)
    棄用約束。 (Chinese)
    0 references
    (?i)((?!\b(ormula: see text)).)*
    deprecated constraint. Aims to identify incomplete titles with Tex markup missing (English)
    棄用約束。 (Chinese)
    0 references
    deprecated constraint. Aims to identify titles requiring Tex markup (English)
    0 references
    deprecated constraint. Aims to identify titles in caps. (English)
    0 references
    1 reference
    0 references
    Individual books should use P31 with Q47461344 or one of its subclasses. (English)
    0 references