Submit Media
Guidelines and Requirements
At WorshipHouse Media we are always looking for new church media resources that will benefit our audience. If you produce creative church media and are interested in seeing your resources in the WorshipHouse store we would love to hear from you.
When you submit media to us it goes into our submission process of evaluation. If the media is a great fit for our quality minded church media customers we will let you know within 4 weeks from submission date.
We value the partnership we enter into with our producers, and we hope you do to! As part of the submission process we would love to get to know a little bit about you and your ministry/company. Follow these instructions to submit to us your media along with a 'cover letter' telling us about yourself...
- Create a folder on your computer named with your producer name.
- In that folder please include:
- A cover letter (This doesn't have to be formal, we just want to know a little bit about you and why you want to offer your creative church media at WorshipHouse)
At least 5 pieces of media you would like to sell
(Why 5? We want to get a good feel for the media you create, and that is hard to do if we only see one video)
- (For Videos) Include high quality .mov files encoded in h.264 at 29.97 or 23.98 frames per second AND a large screenshot (jpeg) for each product.
(For Stills) Send still images in jpeg format (the higher the resolution the better).
* please note - at this time we are not accepting submissions with stills only.
- A text document with your business name and address, and description of each product (for an example see the products on our site).
- Upload the entire folder with the above contents to our ftp server.
- Once the upload has completed, please email us at [email protected] and let us know. We will do our best to have you an answer in 4 weeks.
FTP Instructions
Username: whm-submit
Password: whm
To access our FTP server you must use an FTP client. If you don't have one we recommend any of the following:
Please do not
Mail us anything, or send us any links. We realize that sounds kind of harsh, but believe it or not, the fastest way for us to get the ball rolling is with the above process.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Contact Information
111 Virginia Street, Suite 200
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone (Toll-free): 866-387-2634
Fax: 804-788-8158
Email Us
- Customer Support & Information:
[email protected] - Media Submissions:
[email protected]