
Brian Schweitzer on Gun Control

Democratic MT Governor


Gun control means, "You control yours & I'll control mine"

In 2009, Schweitzer signed a law that exempts Montana-made firearms from federal regulations. "It's a gun bill, but it's another way of demonstrating the sovereignty of the state of Montana," he said after signing it. Schweitzer recognizes his position on guns as one major reason he'd struggle in a Democratic primary. His credo on gun control, he told students at Montana State University earlier this year, is: "You control yours, I'll control mine."
Source: Michael Warren in The Weekly Standard magazine , Dec 23, 2013

Believes in right to gun ownership

Schweitzer and his campaign ran ads showing him walking through the weeds, clad in hunter orange and camo, holding a rifle. The sporting community is a demographic Schweitzer can relate to. He himself is a hunter and fisherman. He received an A- from the National Rifle Association.
Source: Blue Man in a Red State, by Greg Lemon, p.133-134 , Jun 25, 2008

Protect our 2nd Amendment rights

Q: What principles do you support regarding guns?

A: As an NRA member with an �A� rating, I will protect our 2nd Amendment rights. I will ensure access to Montana�s public lands for hunting, fishing and recreation.

Source: 2004 Montana Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test , Nov 1, 2004

Other governors on Gun Control: Brian Schweitzer on other issues:
MT Gubernatorial:
Steve Bullock
MT Senatorial:
Amanda Curtis
Champ Edmunds
Corey Stapleton
John Bohlinger
John Walsh
Jon Tester
Sam Rankin
Steve Daines

Gubernatorial Debates 2014:
AL: Bentley(R) vs.Griffith(D)
AR: Ross(D) vs.Hutchinson(R) vs.Griffin(R,Lt.Gov.)
AZ: Ducey(R) vs.DuVal(D) vs.Mealer(AE) vs.Gilbert(L) vs.Riggs(R)
CA: Brown(D) vs.Kashkari(R)
CO: Hickenlooper(D) vs.Beauprez(R) vs.Tancredo(R) vs.Hess(L)
CT: Malloy(D) vs.Foley(R) vs.Walker(R,Lt.Gov.)
FL: Scott(R) vs.Crist(D) vs.Snitker(L,Lt.Gov.)
GA: Deal(R) vs.Carter(D) vs.Hunt(L)
HI: Ige(D) vs.Aiona(R) vs.Abercrombie(D)
IA: Branstad(R) vs.Hatch(D) vs.Hoefling(R)
MA: Coakley(D) vs.Baker(R) &Polito(R,Lt.Gov.) vs.Grossman(D) vs.Berwick(D)
ME: LePage(R) vs.Michaud(D) vs.Cutler(I)
MI: Snyder(R) vs.Schauer(D)
NM: Martinez(R) vs.King(D)
NY: Cuomo(D) &Hochul(D,Lt.Gov.) vs.Astorino(R) vs.Hawkins(G) vs.Teachout(D)
OK: Fallin(R) vs.Dorman(D)
PA: Corbett(R) vs.Wolf(D) vs.Schwartz(D,lost primary) vs.Critz(D,Lt.Gov.,lost primary)
Up for re-election 2014:
AK-R: Sean Parnell
AL-R: Robert Bentley
CA-D: Jerry Brown
CO-D: John Hickenlooper
CT-D: Dan Malloy
FL-R: Rick Scott
GA-R: Nathan Deal
HI-D: Neil Abercrombie
IA-R: Terry Branstad
ID-R: Butch Otter
IL-D: Pat Quinn
KS-R: Sam Brownback
ME-R: Paul LePage
MI-R: Rick Snyder
MN-D: Mark Dayton
NH-D: Maggie Hassan
NM-R: Susana Martinez
NV-R: Brian Sandoval
NY-D: Andrew Cuomo
OH-R: John Kasich
OK-R: Mary Fallin
OR-D: John Kitzhaber
PA-R: Tom Corbett
SC-R: Nikki Haley
SD-R: Dennis Daugaard
TN-R: Bill Haslam
VT-D: Peter Shumlin
WI-R: Scott Walker
WY-R: Matt Mead

Term-Limited or Retiring 2014:
AR-D: Mike Beebe
AZ-R: Jan Brewer
MA-D: Deval Patrick
MD-D: Martin O'Malley
RI-I: Linc Chafee
TX-R: Rick Perry
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Gun Control
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Election 2013:
New Jersey:
NJ-R: Chris Christie (won)
NJ-D: Barbara Buono (lost)
VA-R: Bob McDonnell(Retiring)
VA-R: Ken Cuccinelli (lost)
VA-D: Terry McAuliffe (won)

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Page last updated: Oct 06, 2014