PSHS American College Arcus® is a licensed institution of elementary education (5th to 7th grade) and secondary education teaching students from grades 8 through 12. The College adheres to a curriculum largely dictated by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, which is similar to the curriculum of most European high schools. The curriculum is designed on the basis of rigid academic requirements, combined with strict behavioral expectations stated in the Interior Rules and Regulations manual of the school. Both the curricular and extracurricular activities have been planned to help the students achieve high levels of proficiency in all areas of study and develop the knowledge that will make them well-rounded individuals and responsible citizens.
In all subjects taught, be in accordance with the state educational requirements and the syllabus of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education
Incorporate both Bulgarian and international standards into the learning process, thus creating the opportunity of social integration of our students
Reflect, follow, and achieve the aims of the study plan for the five academic years
Allow students to concentrate and develop their knowledge and interest in specific subjects, as well as their general literacy and communicative skills
Prepare students for the future by fostering well-rounded individuals with a keen awareness of their role in the community
Help students develop their potential and emphasize their abilities to solve problems, think and act creatively, constructively employ curiosity, and exercise independence and critical thinking
Cultivate a sense of self-respect, respect for others and tolerance for all living beings, as well as awareness of environmental issues
Motivate students to look for and use various learning strategies, including the use of computer technologies and the Internet; and to establish the desire and necessity for lifelong learning
Help students attain a high level of proficiency in English close to the mother tongue communicative competency, enabling the students to use the English language for the specific needs of learning the subject matter of the different school subjects taught in English (bilingual education)
Form aesthetic values through the teaching of Art and Music appreciation
Enable the students to proceed with furthering their education at universities all over the world
American College Arcus ® offers a five-year course of study and is licensed to educate students in grades VIII through XII. Students are divided into three profiles: "Foreign languages", "Software and hardware sciences" and "Natural sciences". The school also offers professional training in the specialtys "Applied Programming Specialist" and "Mechanical Technician".

The curriculum for the 8th grade preparatory year for all fields of studies includes intensive English courses, as the curriculum for both fields of studies “Computer Sciences” and “Natural Sciences” is the same. The chief aim of this first year at the College is to develop the English language proficiency necessary for students to successfully continue and complete their studies in grades 9 through 12, wherein English is the medium of instruction. During the preparatory year students attend 18 (eighteen) hours of English classes per week. They also study Mathematics, Bulgarian Language and Literature, Philosophy, Physical Education, Music, Art, German Language, Spanish language and Computer Sciences. In the English classes, along with the intended preparatory class curriculum, the students are gradually acquainted with the specific terminology, which allows the natural transition to the English classes in 9th grade.