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A Message from AccuCut
Since 1990 AccuCut has been producing time-saving die-cutting machines and steel-rule dies for a variety of industries and applications. In many ways, AccuCut is more than a manufacturer and provides an invaluable resource:
In schools, daycare centers, churches and libraries, the machines and dies become an integral part of educating students. Besides saving them valuable time by using our more efficient means to cut out shapes, using hands-on activities helps students become excited about learning and they become active learners. Students become motivated to pay attention in class and comprehension and retention soars.
Craft retailers create AccuCut die-cutting centers in their stores, using them to attract customers, make their own products for resale, and increase sales of other products.
Professional stationery designers use AccuCut products to create custom wedding invitations, announcements and other social stationery. Using our products saves them hours of hand cutting and allows them to expand their product lines.
AccuCut’s Custom Shape Pros division builds custom steel-rule dies for commercial or personal use in a variety of applications — printing and packaging, consumer goods, paper and fabric crafts, prototypes and more. You can even cut your own products for retail sale.
Regardless of how you use our products, we want to help you meet your business and personal goals. Make sure you visit our online resources to engage with other customers, share ideas and get inspired. And contact our customer service team for assistance finding the shapes you need or to discuss how you can utilize your AccuCut die-cutting system even more.

Contact AccuCut
Omaha, NE 68138