Why Doctor explains how a lemon-based body detox works.
- A lemon-based detoxification cure was invented by a naturopath in the 1940s.
- This cure would make it possible to detoxify the organism and to free oneself from certain addictions: fatty or sweet food, alcohol, tobacco, drugs.
- Detoxification is practiced over ten days and takes place in three stages, it is however not recommended for some people.
Fasting has never been so popular. Whether it is intermittent fasting or total fasting, the proposals are multiplying, there are even fasting stays organized in privileged places. However, the first diets based on fasting have been around for a long time: in the 1940s, naturopath Stanley Burroughs invented a technique of liquid fasting. There “Master Cleanse Diet“ which involved phasing out solid foods and replacing them with fruit juice and a lemon juice mix.
Detox: cleansing for the body and the brain
“Cleansing is fundamental for the elimination of all kinds of diseaseshe declares in the preface to his book. The purpose of this book is to simplify the cause and correction of all troubles, whatever their name or names.” This advocate of alternative medicine created this diet to curb cravings for fatty or sugary foods, alcohol, tobacco or drugs. According to him, it has multiple benefits: detoxify, cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system, improve blood circulation, maintain the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. A significant reduction in food intake actually leads to weight loss.
A detoxification cure in 3 steps and over 10 days
This lemon detoxification cure has three phases and takes place over ten days. The first phase lasts three days with a gradual reduction in food. On the first day you should eat only whole grain vegetables and starches, on the second day only drink juices and broths and on the last day only fresh orange juice is allowed.
Then, the main phase of the diet begins: the naturopath has developed a mixture based on lemon juice, which must be consumed throughout the day. Here is the recipe: two tablespoons of lemon or lime juice, two tablespoons of real maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper and 200 ml of water. All ingredients should be mixed well in a glass container. “Use only fresh (organic) lemons or limes, never canned lemon or lime juice, or frozen lemonade or frozen juice,” insists the author. For four days you should drink only this mixture, taking herbal laxatives to stimulate the digestive system if necessary.
Finally, food is gradually resumed during the last three days: first orange juice on the first day, then various juices and broths on the second day and finally solid foods on the last day.
However, some precautions are necessary
Stanley Burroughs recommends following this diet for at least ten days and repeating it three to four times a year. But beware, this lemon detox is not to be taken lightly. First of all, it is totally not recommended for people suffering from eating disorders, hepatic or renal insufficiency. As for people with dental problems, consuming lemons in such large quantities can be dangerous because the citric acid they contain is harmful to tooth enamel. Pregnant, breastfeeding women or children should absolutely not follow this type of diet either.
Finally, in general, nutrient deficiencies and insufficient caloric intake produce deficiencies which can, for example, produce headaches.