
 イギリス文化史教科書の資料として未入手だったものを、ロンドン在住のSさんに探し出してもらい、ようやく確認することができた。それはマーガレット・サッチャーのよく知られた「社会などというものはない(there is no such thing as society)」の典拠となっている雑誌インタビューの現物。

イギリスの女性雑誌Woman's Own(直訳すると『女性自身』となるのか)の1987年10月31日号に3ページにわたって掲載されたインタビュー記事。インタビュアーはDouglas Keay(ケイと読むのか)で記事のタイトルは「エイズ、教育、そして2000年!(Aids, Education and the Year 2000!)」。

So, she thinks the Churches should be more outspoken on the subject of AIDS?
“I think so, yes. To do them justice, some of them have been forthright.” If there has been a deterioration in the nation’s moral standards (as her own Home Secretary has suggested), what does she think has caused it?
“I think we’ve been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it’s the government’s job to cope with it. ‘I have a problem, I’ll get a grant.’‘I’m homeless, the government must house me.’ They’re casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It’s our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There’s no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.”


I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand "I have a problem, it is the Government's job to cope with it!" or "I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!" "I am homeless, the Government must house me!" and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations, because there is no such thing as an entitlement unless someone has first met an obligation... (Margaret Thatcher, Interview for Woman's Own("no such thing as society")

事実上同じ趣旨のことを言っているが、ここには"There is no such thing as society"というフレーズは見られなくて、実はそれはもっと後の方で出てくる。インタビュアー(あるいは編集者)が適宜編集して、上記のヴァージョンに仕立てたわけであり、その後これが人口に膾炙したことを思うと、キャッチコピーを要所にはめ込んで、効果的な編集をしたのだとは思う。
 ともあれ、雑誌の現物にたどり着いて、エイズや教育問題を語る文脈のなかでこのフレーズを置いて確認することができたのはよかった。ちなみに、こういう類の雑誌は調べようと思うと大きな困難に直面する。ブリティッシュ・ライブラリーの蔵書目録にこれがあるので楽に取れると思ったら、未だにBLでは資料整理がなされていないらしいということが判明した。どうも一般雑誌はそのような状態で放置されているようで、これを思うと日本の国会図書館は偉い。BLのあまりやる気のない司書とさんざん交渉して、ロンドン北部のNewspaper Libraryにあるという情報をつかんで、ようやくゲットしてくれたSさんには感謝に堪えない。今度モダン・ブリティッシュおごりますから。