10 Reasons To Join adfa Membership

joinYou are not alone. We understand. We care.

1.   adfa give support to members and their families. This support is provided by our Counsellor and by adfa members who are either asbestos victims or relatives of victims. We have been through the same painful experiences and can empathise with what you are going through.

2.   adfa can point you in the right direction so you can get the best medical and legal advice.

join adfa 3.    We are among the first to know about current medical treatment and what is happening with research for a cure for asbestos related diseases. We provide the latest information to members.

4.   adfa can help you find a counsellor who can help you with many of your problems.

5.   adfa can introduce you to the Dust Diseases Board which may be able to help you.

6.   adfa has an excellently bi-monthly newsletter which is sent to all members to keep them in touch with what is happening in the Foundation and with coming events.

7.   adfa holds monthly meetings in Granville on the 2nd Wednesday of each month where a lot of information is available. All members and friends are welcome at these meetings which are a time for talking, laughing and sharing.

8.   adfa holds special events each year. Our National Asbestos Awareness Week in November raises awareness and funds. Our events are really enjoyable times for making friends and doing something worthwhile.

9.   adfa members who are victims of asbestos related diseases are added to the Foundation’s database. All information is kept with the strictest confidence. adfa only uses this information to lobby for a better deal for asbestos victims.

10.   adfa played a major role in 1998 in winning changes to NSW laws regarding dust diseases which benefitted out members. The laws were a first for Australia. adfa continues advocacy work for our members.

2025 Membership Application & Renewal Form

Join The Cause & Become an adfa Member

Complete this membership form and send a cheque, money order or credit card details
along with your completed form to:

Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia Inc
PO Box 484 Granville, NSW 2142