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There are 1602 Model Airplane Plans on 65 pages. Currently displaying plan 1 to 25

Plan: Boeing XP-940isherwood on 30/01/2025 00:59
Title fix
Type Model FF Scale Military Figther (Fighter)
Plan: Mini Funtana[email protected] on 02/01/2025 16:29
Blueprint Paper Size
Maybe I am missing this somewhere but what size paper should the blueprints be printed on if I am to build over the plan? It might be nice to add that detail to the plan metadata in the lower right corner box. Thank you
Plan: Wanted Plansjkexpress on 18/12/2024 06:41
Wanted - plan for an old t-tail swept back wings not delta glider
I had to throw out a plane during a divorce and for the life of me can't find the name or plan.

The closest looking size style was a ridge rider. Any ideas, google hasnt been much use.

Ttail ,cable pivot
About 15 degree swept back wing
High wing mount
Red was the supplied colour
2 channel
1970's most likely

Thanks in advance.
Plan: Plane simple planWolf57 on 07/12/2024 20:19
file: Plane_Simple_RC_oz88
42.pdf (422.7 KB)
Plan is for single channel RC (Not FF) and shows wingspan at 36in (Not 20in)
Plan: Plane simple planWolf57 on 07/12/2024 20:19
file: Plane_Simple_RC_oz88
42.pdf (422.7 KB)
Plan is for single channel RC (Not FF) and shows wingspan at 36in (Not 20in)
Plan: Super V Sharkscflyer55 on 27/11/2024 00:27
This is not a vectorial file.
Plan: Piper Cub J3 Legend (Foamboard)baciany on 13/11/2024 22:18
Video pr photo needed
Does anyone have photo how this looks when ready?
Plan: Wanted Planswarhawker75 on 10/10/2024 04:49
Jack Stafford B-24 Liberator
I have the plans but does anyone have a copy or tracings for the fuselage formers and any other of the parts needed to be cut out ?

Thank you
Plan: Wanted PlansBjörn1970 on 28/11/2023 13:52
Suche Verticopter Bauplan
Ich suche schon Lange den Bauplan des Verticopter's.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr ihn findet.
Liebe Grüße Björn
Plan: Mini Funtanamail4dean on 28/11/2023 02:31
Mini Funtana Build
I was given an original Eflight Mini Funtana by a generous club member after crashing a 90" Extra due to radio failure. Not knowing what I really had, I was a little careless and tip stalled it into the ground. Twice. Although I repaired it, twice, into a little heavier and not quite as straight flying park flyer, I regretted my reckless behavior and decided to build myself a new one from scratch.
I have sourced all my materials and as they come in piece by piece I'll try to keep up with logging best I can as this will be my first.
Plan: Katanaharrysilver on 04/11/2023 08:32
designer name
please mention the designer name.. its Paul Glemba
Plan: Wanted PlansHertzy on 02/10/2023 19:23
Beechcraft Kingair 350
HI, I am after a set of plans to scale build a Kingair 350 from foam core, It will be giant scale.
Plan: Haines Mystery Shiphjf160250 on 17/09/2023 20:21
Description error.
'Thermal'??? This is a peanut scale model.
Plan: Stinson Voyagerhjf160250 on 08/09/2023 12:17
Not Free Flight!!
There's a bit of a clue in the plan number (101RC) about the intended purpose. This is a purely scale RC model although I'd like to see a Free Flight one attempted. At 101 inch span it would look magnificent but would also be a potential killer!
Plan: p51 mustangderfred on 24/08/2023 10:38
p51 mustang
Thanks for uploading, if you need to upload extra files you can login and at the top of the listing there is an EDIT button, from there follow the instructions on the MEDIA tab.
Plan: p51 mustangSundance2018 on 24/08/2023 01:29
P51 Mustang
That worked! What is the 4th sheet?
Plan: p51 mustangPierluigi Cambosu on 23/08/2023 16:45
recharged document
I have done one pdf with the complete project. try to download this. If you have any problems, you can write me your mail address and I will send you the three(not four) parts
Plan: p51 mustangPierluigi Cambosu on 23/08/2023 16:44
recharged document
I have done one pdf with the complete project. try to download this. If you have any problems, you can write me your mail address and I will send you the three(not four) parts
Plan: p51 mustangSundance2018 on 23/08/2023 15:49
P51 Mustang - Incomplete Plans
I've always worked directly w/ the AeroFred site manager when I submitted plans. Otherwise, you could email them to me directly?
Plan: p51 mustangPierluigi Cambosu on 23/08/2023 14:15
yes, I have the full project, but i can upload only one pdf. can you explane me how to upload the full project? it is in 4 pdf papers
Plan: p51 mustangSundance2018 on 23/08/2023 12:45
Incomplete Plans
Are there other sheets? There are no plans for the wing or tail group, i.e., horizontal stabilizer & elevator, vertical stabilizer & rudder.
Plan: p51 mustangSundance2018 on 23/08/2023 12:45
Incomplete Plans
Are there other sheets? There are no plans for the wing or tail group, i.e., horizontal stabilizer & elevator, vertical stabilizer & rudder.
Plan: Focke-Wulf FW190hjf160250 on 17/08/2023 09:13
Wingspan correction
Scale of model as stated on plan is 1:12.5 so with a full size wingspan of 34'6" (Fw.190 A-8) that works out at 33.12 inch model span.
Plan: Magic DragonBgreer on 11/08/2023 14:59
Where did that photo come from
I'm Alan's son and I was their as he built 2 of them to compete in Nats 1967. The picture is taken in the living room my sister holding plane.
Got questions on building it I can probably answer.
Plan: F-16 Vipersemihyilmaz on 03/08/2023 12:40
Instruction guide
Is there any guide about making parts?

Vintage Magazines
Hlsat makes this great website with contributions from around the world.
Unique Static Models
Albert from Catalonia produces these unique static models.
Wing Design App
Wing Design Software for RC models.

Curtiss Hawk 2
Free-Flight / Fighter / 28 in. / 71.1 cm Span
Curtiss Hawk 2 model airplane plan
 90 Airplane Glow-Powered Fighter
Radio-Control / Acro / 60.6 in. / 154 cm Span
V-2209 model airplane plan
 319 Airplane Glow-Powered Acro
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