At Airtac, we take huge pride in looking after our own. You. The Airsofter.
We will repair or replace your product in the event it becomes damaged or defective. If we cannot repair your product, we will replace it, free of charge.
You can count on the Lifetime Warranty for all HPA adapters, ODIN Sidewinder Adapters, and any other gadgets or gizmos we make.
The warranty does not cover loss, theft, deliberate damage [misuse, forcing and improper tool use], non performance hindering cosmetic damage, or wear of ‘consumable’ parts e.g. feed lips, gas routers, O rings and seals.
This warranty only covers product made by ourselves. Essentially this means if a product has another brand name associated with it, you are covered only by your consumer rights (which are still great!). For example, our HPA adapters have a lifetime warranty. The PTS EPM1 magazines which we purchase from wholesalers as stock, do not. In the event that you are unsure of if we manufacture a product or not, contact [email protected] and we will be happy to clarify.
When outside of the UK, we reserve the right to charge a shipping for any non manufacturing defect based warranty claims (e.g. damage caused by falling over).