PACIS 2022 Proceedings
To determine the role of unconscious sources in digital consumption among digital natives, we investigate how body image as the antecedent variable influences purchase intention toward smartwatch. In this study, we reveal the mechanism of the role of body image: body image (unconscious resources) enhances health motivation and social identity (conscious motivation), and health motivation increases perceived usefulness for health (the evaluation of goals), indicating that body image directly enhances purchase intention via health motivation and perceived usefulness for health (indirect effect). With the framework of “unconscious resources-conscious motivation-the evaluation of goals”, we provide a novel approach to understand decision making of young consumers.
Recommended Citation
Wang, Teng and Guo, Xitong, "What Makes You a True Digital Native? Unconscious Sources, Conscious Motivation and the Evaluation of Goals in the Smartwatch Purchase" (2022). PACIS 2022 Proceedings. 329.
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