hello, friends. i’m merryana. i am non-binary and lebanese and, well. 2024 has been a difficult year for me.
i’ve been unemployed since i was bullied out of my job for speaking up about palestine in january, i had to have emergency surgery on my foot that left me unable to walk for 3 months, i had to replace my laptop hard-drive after it fried in a power surge and i lost years worth of work, AND i got diagnosed with ADHD but due to a suspected heart condition currently being investigated am unable to be medicated.
honestly, this isn’t even half of what i’ve been through this year, and i’ve been through all of it while being unsuccessful at finding a stable source of income AND i’m turning 30 on October 20. needless to say i am not where i thought i’d be at this point in my life at all. i am trying not to let that get me too down.
if you’ve ever enjoyed anything i’ve written, or anything i’ve yapped about on @gayvclubpodcast, or if you’re a kind stranger who wants to take a few dollars off my never-ending medical bills for my birthday - i’d be very grateful. thank you in advance if you do and no pressure if you can’t/don’t <3