Bugis: Makkedai PUWANGNGE, "Makkolik-kolinni Yéhuda madosa, rimakkuwannanaro pasti Uhukkungngi matu mennang. Najjalékkaiwi mennang sining parénta-Ku sibawa dé’ nabati-batiwi sining pappagguruwak-Ku. Ripapusai mennang ri déwata-déwata laing iya nasompaé toriyolona.
AYT: Inilah firman TUHAN, “Untuk tiga pelanggaran Yehuda, bahkan empat, Aku takkan menarik kembali hukumannya. Sebab, mereka menghina hukum Taurat TUHAN, dan tidak berpegang pada ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya, dan kebohongan-kebohongan mereka membuat mereka tersesat, kebohongan yang mereka ikuti dari nenek moyang mereka.
TB: Beginilah firman TUHAN: "Karena tiga perbuatan jahat Yehuda, bahkan empat, Aku tidak akan menarik kembali keputusan-Ku: Oleh karena mereka telah menolak hukum TUHAN, dan tidak berpegang pada ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya, tetapi disesatkan oleh dewa-dewa kebohongannya, yang diikuti oleh nenek moyangnya,
TL: Dan lagi firman Tuhan demikian: Oleh karena tiga salahnya Yehuda, bahkan, oleh karena empat tiada Kujauhkan itu; sebab telah dicelakannya taurat Tuhan dan tiada dipeliharakannya segala hukum-Nya, dan mereka itu disesatkan oleh dustanya, yang telah diturut oleh nenek moyangnyapun.
MILT: "Beginilah TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03069) berfirman: Untuk tiga pelanggaran Yehuda, bahkan untuk empat, Aku tidak akan berpaling dari padanya; sebab, mereka telah memandang rendah torat TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03069), dan mereka tidak memelihara peraturan-peraturan-Nya. Kebohongan-kebohongan mereka itu, yang para bapak leluhur mereka telah berjalan menurutinya, telah memimpin mereka tersesat.
Shellabear 2010: Beginilah firman ALLAH, “Karena tiga pelanggaran Yuda, bahkan empat, Aku tidak akan menarik kembali hukuman baginya. Karena mereka telah menolak hukum ALLAH dan tidak memegang teguh ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya -- mereka disesatkan oleh dusta mereka yang dahulu diikuti oleh nenek moyang mereka --
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Beginilah firman ALLAH, "Karena tiga pelanggaran Yuda, bahkan empat, Aku tidak akan menarik kembali hukuman baginya. Karena mereka telah menolak hukum ALLAH dan tidak memegang teguh ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya -- mereka disesatkan oleh dusta mereka yang dahulu diikuti oleh nenek moyang mereka --
KSKK: Beginilah sabda Yahweh, "Oleh sebab Yehuda telah berdosa, bukan satu kali tetapi tiga kali, malah lebih banyak kali, maka Aku tidak akan menarik kembali keputusan-Ku. Sebab mereka telah menolak hukum-Ku dan tidak menaati ketetapan-ketetapan-Ku, tetapi disesatkan oleh kepalsuan yang telah diikuti oleh nenek moyang mereka,
VMD: Inilah yang dikatakan TUHAN, “Aku pasti menghukum orang Yehuda karena banyaknya kejahatannya. Mereka telah menolak mematuhi perintah TUHAN dan tidak memegang teguh perintah-Nya. Nenek moyang mereka suka berdusta. Dan dusta yang sama membuat orang Yehuda berhenti mengikut Allah.
BIS: TUHAN berkata, "Orang Yehuda telah berkali-kali berdosa, karena itu Aku pasti akan menghukum mereka. Mereka melanggar perintah-perintah-Ku dan tidak mempedulikan ajaran-ajaran-Ku. Mereka disesatkan oleh ilah-ilah lain yang disembah oleh leluhur mereka.
TMV: TUHAN berfirman, "Penduduk Yehuda sudah berkali-kali berdosa, kerana itu Aku pasti akan menghukum mereka. Mereka melanggar perintah-Ku dan tidak mempedulikan ajaran-Ku. Mereka disesatkan oleh tuhan-tuhan lain yang disembah oleh nenek moyang mereka.
FAYH: TUHAN berfirman, "Berkali-kali orang Yehuda telah berbuat dosa, dan Aku tidak akan melupakannya. Aku tidak akan membiarkan mereka lebih lama lagi bebas dari hukuman; karena mereka telah menolak hukum-hukum TUHAN dan tidak mau menaati Dia. Mereka telah mengeraskan hati dan berdosa seperti nenek moyang mereka.
ENDE: Demikianlah Jahwe bersabda: Untuk tiga empat kedjahatan Juda, Aku tidak mentjabut (keputusanKu), sebab mereka telah menolak Taurat Jahwe, tidak menepati penetapan2Nja, tetapi disesatkan (berhala2) dusta mereka, jang sudah dibuntuti nenek-mojangnja.
Shellabear 1912: Maka demikianlah firman Allah: "Bahwa oleh karena tiga kesalahan Yehuda bahkan oleh karena empat kesalahannya tiada Aku mau mengubahkan hukumannya karena hukum Allah telah ditolaknya dan segala peraturan-Nyapun tiada dipeliharakannya dan semuanya telah disesatkan oleh dustanya yang seperti kelakuan segala nenek moyangnya
Leydekker Draft: Demikijen baferman Huwa; 'awleh karana tiga kadurhaka`an 'awrang Jehuda, behkan 'awleh karana 'ampat tijada 'aku 'akan meng`ubahkan 'itu: tagal marika 'itu sudah membowang Tawrat Huwa dan tijada memaliharakan 'ondang-ondangnja; dan segala dustanja sudah menjasatkan dija, jang bapa-bapanja sudah berdjalan menurut dija.
AVB: Beginilah firman TUHAN, “Atas sebab tiga, malahan empat pelanggaran Yehuda, Aku tidak akan menarik balik hukuman baginya. Kerana mereka telah menolak hukum TUHAN dan tidak memegang teguh segala ketetapan-Nya. Mereka disesatkan oleh dusta mereka yang dahulu diikuti oleh nenek moyang mereka –
AYT ITL: Inilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03069>, “Untuk <05921> tiga <07969> pelanggaran <06588> Yehuda <03063>, bahkan empat <0702>, Aku takkan <03808> menarik kembali <07725> hukumannya. Sebab, mereka menghina <03988> hukum Taurat <08451> TUHAN <03069>, dan tidak <03808> berpegang <08104> pada ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya <02706>, dan kebohongan-kebohongan mereka membuat mereka tersesat <08582>, kebohongan <03577> yang <0834> mereka ikuti dari nenek moyang <01> mereka <0310>. [<05921> <05921> <0853> <01980>]
TB ITL: Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03069>: "Karena <05921> tiga <07969> perbuatan jahat <06588> Yehuda <03063>, bahkan empat <0702>, Aku tidak <03808> akan menarik kembali <07725> keputusan-Ku: Oleh karena <05921> mereka telah menolak <03988> hukum <08451> TUHAN <03069>, dan tidak <03808> berpegang <08104> pada ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya <02706>, tetapi disesatkan <08582> oleh dewa-dewa kebohongannya <03577>, yang <0834> diikuti <0310> <01980> oleh nenek moyangnya <01>, [<05921>]
TL ITL: Dan lagi firman <0559> Tuhan <03069> demikian <03541>: Oleh karena <05921> tiga <07969> salahnya <06588> Yehuda <03063>, bahkan, oleh karena <05921> empat <0702> tiada <03808> Kujauhkan <07725> itu; sebab telah dicelakannya <03988> taurat <08451> Tuhan <03069> dan tiada <03808> dipeliharakannya <08104> segala hukum-Nya <02706>, dan mereka itu disesatkan <08582> oleh dustanya <03577>, yang telah <0834> diturut <0310> <01980> oleh nenek moyangnyapun <01>.
AVB ITL: Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> TUHAN <03069>, “Atas <05921> sebab tiga <07969>, malahan empat <0702> pelanggaran <06588> Yehuda <03063>, Aku tidak <03808> akan menarik balik <07725> hukuman baginya. Kerana <05921> mereka telah menolak <03988> hukum <08451> TUHAN <03069> dan tidak <03808> memegang teguh <08104> segala ketetapan-Nya <02706>. Mereka disesatkan <08582> oleh dusta <03577> mereka yang <0834> dahulu diikuti <01980> <0310> oleh nenek moyang <01> mereka – [<05921> <0853>]
HEBREW: <0310> Mhyrxa <01> Mtwba <01980> wklh <0834> rsa <03577> Mhybzk <08582> Mwetyw <08104> wrms <03808> al <02706> wyqxw <03069> hwhy <08451> trwt <0853> ta <03988> Moam <05921> le <07725> wnbysa <03808> al <0702> hebra <05921> lew <03063> hdwhy <06588> yesp <07969> hsls <05921> le <03069> hwhy <0559> rma <03541> hk (2:4)
Jawa: Pangandikane Sang Yehuwah mangkene: “Marga saka durakane Yehuda telung prakara, malah patang prakara, mulane Ingsun ora bakal murungake putusaningSun, awitdene wus padha nampik angger-anggering Yehuwah, lan ora netepi pranatane, nanging padha kasasarake dening dewa-dewane kang goroh, kang dienut dening para leluhure,
Jawa 1994: Pangandikané Pangéran mengkéné, "Wong Yéhuda enggoné gawé dosa bola-bali, mulané mesthi bakal Dakukum. Wong-wong mau padha nampik piwulang-Ku lan padha ora netepi pepakon-Ku. Padha gelem disasaraké déning para brahala sing biyèn disembah déning para leluhuré.
Sunda: Dawuhan PANGERAN, "Urang Yuda pek deui, pek deui migawe dosa. Ku sabab kitu geus pasti ku Kami baris dihukum. Maranehna geus miceun pangajaran Kami, henteu ngarestokeun parentah-parentah Kami. Geus disasabkeun ku allah-allah palsu nu disarembah ku karuhun-karuhunna baheula.
Madura: PANGERAN adhabu, "Oreng Yehuda la pan-barampan kale agabay dusa, daddi bi’ Sengko’ masthe eokom. Oreng Yehuda jareya ta’ atoro’ ka sabarang se eparenta’agi Sengko’ sarta ta’ marduli ka pa-apa se eajarragi Sengko’. Reng-oreng jareya epasala jalan bi’ la’-alla’an se esemba para bangatowana.
Bali: Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa masabda sapuniki: “Wong Yehudane suba tusing suud-suud ngae dosa. Sawireh keto Ulun lakar sasajaan nyisipang ia. Ia suba nganistayang paurukan-paurukan Ulune muah suba tusing ngamanggehang sapatitah Ulune. Ia suba pada kasasarang baan widi-widi ane palsu, nah ento widi ane patuh buka ane laad sungsunga baan leluurnyane.
Makasar: Nakana Batara, "Tu Yehuda a’mole-molei doraka, lanri kammana anjo ma’nassa laKuhukkungi ke’nanga. Nadakkai ke’nanga parenta-parentaKu siagang tanajampangiai ajarang-ajarangKu. Nipa’lingui ke’nanga ri rewata-rewata maraenga nasombaya boe-boena ke’nanga.
Toraja: Inde sia tu kadanNa PUANG Nakua: Belanna tallu tu kapatodo-tintinganna Yehuda, ondongpi belanna a’pa’, iamoto natae’ Kula umpasalai ukungan. Belanna natumpu tu Sukaran alukNa PUANG sia tae’ nakaritutui tu mintu’ apa Napondok Puang, sangadinna napapusamo deata mo’rangna tu naturu’mo nene’ to dolona,
Karo: Nina TUHAN, "Kalak Juda la erngadi-ngadi erbahan dosa. Erdandanken si e la banci lang Kuukum ia. Sabap itulakna pengajarenKu dingen la ipakena perentahKu. Nggo papak ia ibahan dibata-dibata si la tuhu si isembah nini-ninina nai.
Simalungun: Sonon do hata ni Jahowa, “Halani na tolu panlanggaron ni Juda ampa halani na ompat ai seng pasuruton-Ku uhum ai, ai iambungkon sidea do titah ni Jahowa, anjaha seng idalankon aturan-Ni, tapi sisombahon parladung ni sidea ai do pakahouhon sidea, ai ma na niirikkon ni ompung ni sidea homa;
Toba: (II.) Songon on do hata ni Jahowa: Ala ni tolu pangalaosion ni Juda, jala ala ni opat ndang pasurutonku ala ditoishon nasida patik ni Jahowa, jala ndang diradoti angka tonana, gabe gabusnasida, angka na niihuthon ni angka ompunasida dope paotootohon nasida.
NETBible: This is what the
NASB: Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because they rejected the law of the LORD And have not kept His statutes; Their lies also have led them astray, Those after which their fathers walked.
HCSB: The LORD says: I will not relent from punishing Judah for three crimes, even four, because they have rejected the law of the LORD and have not kept His statutes. The lies that their ancestors followed have led them astray.
LEB: This is what the LORD says: Because Judah has committed three crimes, and now a fourth crime, I will not change my plans. The people of Judah have rejected the LORD’S Teachings and haven’t kept his laws. They have been led astray by false teachings, the same ones their ancestors followed.
NIV: This is what the LORD says: "For three sins of Judah, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath . Because they have rejected the law of the LORD and have not kept his decrees, because they have been led astray by false gods, the gods their ancestors followed,
ESV: Thus says the LORD: "For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they have rejected the law of the LORD, and have not kept his statutes, but their lies have led them astray, those after which their fathers walked.
NRSV: Thus says the LORD: For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment; because they have rejected the law of the LORD, and have not kept his statutes, but they have been led astray by the same lies after which their ancestors walked.
REB: These are the words of the LORD: For crime after crime of Judah I shall grant them no reprieve, because they have spurned the law of the LORD and have not observed his decrees; they have been led astray by the same false gods their fathers followed.
NKJV: Thus says the LORD: "For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment , Because they have despised the law of the LORD, And have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, Lies which their fathers followed.
KJV: Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away [the punishment] thereof; because they have despised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandments, and their lies caused them to err, after the which their fathers have walked:
AMP: Thus says the Lord: For three transgressions of Judah and for four [for multiplied delinquencies], I will not reverse the punishment of it {or} revoke My word concerning it, because they have despised {and} rejected the law of the Lord and have not kept His commandments, but their lies, after which their fathers have walked, caused them to err {and} go astray.
NLT: This is what the LORD says: "The people of Judah have sinned again and again, and I will not forget it. I will not let them go unpunished any longer! They have rejected the laws of the LORD, refusing to obey him. They have been led astray by the same lies that deceived their ancestors.
GNB: The LORD says, “The people of Judah have sinned again and again, and for this I will certainly punish them. They have despised my teachings and have not kept my commands. They have been led astray by the same false gods that their ancestors served.
ERV: This is what the LORD says: “I will definitely punish Judah for their many crimes. They refused to obey the LORD'S teachings and they did not keep his commands. Their ancestors believed lies, and those same lies caused the people of Judah to stop following God.
BBE: These are the words of the Lord: For three crimes of Judah, and for four, I will not let its fate be changed; because they have given up the law of the Lord, and have not kept his rules; and their false ways, in which their fathers went, have made them go out of the right way.
MSG: GOD's Message: "Because of the three great sins of Judah--make that four--I'm not putting up with them any longer. They rejected GOD's revelation, refused to keep my commands. But they swallowed the same old lies that got their ancestors onto dead-end roads.
CEV: The LORD said: I will punish Judah for countless crimes, and I won't change my mind. They have rejected my teachings and refused to obey me. They were led astray by the same false gods their ancestors worshiped.
CEVUK: The Lord said: I will punish Judah for countless crimes, and I won't change my mind. They have rejected my teachings and refused to obey me. They were led astray by the same false gods their ancestors worshipped.
GWV: This is what the LORD says: Because Judah has committed three crimes, and now a fourth crime, I will not change my plans. The people of Judah have rejected the LORD’S Teachings and haven’t kept his laws. They have been led astray by false teachings, the same ones their ancestors followed.
KJV: Thus saith <0559> (8804) the LORD <03068>_; For three <07969> transgressions <06588> of Judah <03063>_, and for four <0702>_, I will not turn away <07725> (8686) [the punishment] thereof; because they have despised <03988> (8800) the law <08451> of the LORD <03068>_, and have not kept <08104> (8804) his commandments <02706>_, and their lies <03577> caused them to err <08582> (8686)_, after <0310> the which their fathers <01> have walked <01980> (8804)_:
NASB: Thus<3541> says<559> the LORD<3068>, "For three<7969> transgressions<6588> of Judah<3063> and for four<702> I will not revoke<7725> its punishment, Because<5921> they rejected<3988> the law<8451> of the LORD<3068> And have not kept<8104> His statutes<2706>; Their lies<3577> also have led<8582> them astray<8582>, Those after<310> which<834> their fathers<1> walked<1980>.
NET [draft] ITL: This is what <03541> the Lord <03069> says <0559>: “Because Judah <03063> has committed three <07969> covenant transgressions <06588>– make that four <0702>!– I will not <03808> revoke <07725> my decree of judgment. They rejected <03988> the Lord’s <03069> law <08451>; they did not <03808> obey <08104> his commands <02706>. Their false gods <03577>, to which <0834> their fathers <01> were loyal, led <01980> them astray <08582>.