Cornelliana How Cornell’s First President Transformed Higher Education A look at the life of A.D. White, who cofounded a nonsectarian university that admits students ‘regardless of sex or color’ Read the full story about How Cornell’s First President Transformed Higher Education Quizzes & Puzzles Cornellian Crossword: ‘Rite of Spring’ Big Red Trivia How old was Jeremy Shuler ’20 when he became the youngest person ever to graduate from Cornell? 15 16 17 18 None Time’s up Alumni Rain or Shine, Weather Reporter Rob Marciano ’91 Is On the Job Ask the Expert Tips for Mid-Career Job Hunters Quizzes & Puzzles How Well Do You Know Your Fictional Cornellians? Share your advice with the Class of ’25! What words of wisdom would you give today’s grads? What advice do you wish you’d received as a new alum going out into the world? Share your thoughts for an upcoming feature! share your advice! REcently Posted Chime In How Reclaiming a Part of Myself Made Way for My Dreams Alumni Barrier-Breaking Astronomer Graces a U.S. Quarter Alumni O Canada! Former Big Red Player Runs Popular Hockey Bar in NYC Books Your March 2025 Reads Send your news for Class Notes! Have you marked a career milestone or taken a trip? Did you get married, have a baby, or welcome a grandchild? Do you have a Big Red memory that would make your classmates smile? We would love to hear from you. Submit a news form alumni community I had the honor to work in the Carl Sagan lab as an undergrad. Carl inspired me to never stop asking tough, crazy-sounding questions! Sushil Singh ’89, March / April Class Notes Class Notes March / April 2025 In Memoriam March 2025 Editors’ picks Cornelliana Hot Truck, Warm Memories: Pizza Subs Were a Big Red Institution Cornelliana Once Upon a Time, Canines Cavorted on the Hill—Even in Class Glorious to View Vintage Color Slides Bring East Hill’s Past to Vivid Life Cornelliana From Corks to Corey to the Cosmos: The Hill’s Most ‘Legendary’ Courses Cornellians Staff Editor-in-chief Beth Saulnier, Grad ’91–92 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Alexandra Bond ’12 STAFF WRITER Melissa Newcomb SENIOR EDITOR Joe Wilensky ASSISTANT EDITORs Adele Durham Chris Furst, Grad ’84–88 PLATFORM DIRECTOR Angelique Giammarino MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Lindsay France CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Corey Ryan Earle ’07