Savings Accounts to Meet Your Business Goals
American Bank has several options to help you reach your business savings goals. From regular Savings Accounts to Money Market Accounts or Certificates of Deposit, we have the right account for you!
If you have questions, please call 254.412.2000 or e-mail our New Accounts department.
Business Savings Account
A basic account for those who are starting to save.
- $100 Minimum Opening Deposit
- Unlimited access to Internet Banking
- Unlimited access to TeleBANK 254.867.7666
- Unlimited ATM and in-person transfers and withdrawals
Contact Us for our current rates.
$5.00 per month if balance drops below daily minimum of $100.
$3.00 excessive withdrawal fee for each withdrawal in excess of 6 per month*.
Additional fees may apply. Please see current fee schedule for a complete list.
Commercial Business Money Market Account
- $2,500 Minimum Opening Deposit
- Unlimited access to Internet Banking
- Unlimited access to TeleBANK 254.867.7666
- Unlimited ATM and in-person transfers and withdrawals
Contact Us for our current rates.
$10.00 if balance drops below daily minimum of $2,500.00.
$10.00 excessive withdrawal fee for each withdrawal exceeding 6 per month.*
Additional fees may apply. Please see current fee schedule for a complete list.

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