Monday, November 30, 2020

Die Bestattungsgruben in Bat

Author: Conrad Schmidt, with contributions by Stefan Giese und Christian Hübner and Steve Zäuner. Hardback; 210x297mm; 374pp; 250 figures; 187 tables (97 pages of colour). German text. 680 2020 Arabia Orientalis: Studien zur Archäologie Ostarabiens 1. Available both in print and Open Access. Printed ISBN 9781789697391. Epublication ISBN 9781789697858.
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Volume 1 of the series Arabia Orientalis presents the first comprehensive study of two Umm an-Nar (2700—2000 BC) burial pits from the UNESCO World Heritage site Bat in the Sultanate of Oman. They were excavated between 2010 and 2012 by the University of Tübingen. Each burial pit represents one of the largest closed finds of the Early Bronze Age in the region. Finds largely include beads and other items of personal adornment, as well as pottery and human bones. Detailed typologies of all objects are the basis for in-depth statistical analyses of the different categories of finds and the reconstruction of burial customs at Bat. Furthermore, imports and imitations from other regions including the Indus Valley, Iran, and Mesopotamia illuminate Bat’s foreign relations and integration into the interregional exchange and communication system. The interpretation of the unearthed human remains conducted by Steve Zauner offer, not only the number of individuals, sex, and age of the deceased, but also insights into lifestyle, diseases, and stress of the people in the past.

German description
Die Umm an-Nar-Zeit (2700–2000 v. Chr.) auf der östlichen Arabischen Halbinsel gilt als Periode tiefgreifender Veränderungen in der ökonomischen und sozialen Organisation der Gesellschaft sowie der Ausbeutung von Ressourcen. Einer der größten und bedeutendsten Fundplätze dieser Zeit im Sultanat Oman ist der seit 1988 auf der Welterbeliste der UNESCO stehende Fundort Bat in der Provinz Al-Dhahirah. Von 2010 bis 2015 führte die Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen ein Projekt zur Erforschung der Entwicklung der beiden Nekropolen von Bat und Al-Ayn sowie der Siedlung von Al-Zebah durch. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen stand die Frage nach den Gründen und Ursachen des sozioökonomischen Umbruchs im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. und wie sich dieser in den Lebensverhältnissen der damaligen Bevölkerung widerspiegelt.

Die vorliegende Publikation stellt den ersten Band der Endberichte des Forschungsprojekts des Instituts für die Kulturen des Alten Orients der Universität Tübingen in Bat, Al-Zebah und Al- Ayn dar. Das Werk beinhaltet die vollständige Auswertung der beiden Umm an-Nar-zeitlichen Bestattungsgruben A-Inst. 0006 und A-Inst. 0025 in Bat einschließlich anthropologischer Analysen und einer geophysikalischen Prospektion in der Nekropole von Bat. Beide Gruben zählen zu den größten jemals im Oman untersuchten geschlossenen Fundkontexten der frühen Bronzezeit. Zur Publikation gehört ein online unter https://tinyurl. com/9781789697391-der-fundekatalog publizierter Katalog, der sämtliche Einzelnachweise zu den Funden aus den beiden Bestattungsgruben enthält.

The Future of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues: Heritage Reconstruction in Theory and Practice

Editors: Nagaoka, Masanori (Ed.) 

This Open Access book explores heritage conservation ethics of post conflict and provides an important historical record of the possible reconstruction of the Bamiyan Buddha statues, which was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in Danger in 2003 as “Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley”. With the condition that most surface of the original fragments of the Buddha statues were lost due to acts of deliberate destruction, this publication explores a reference point for conservation practitioners and policy makers around the world as they consider how to respond to on-going acts of destruction of cultural heritage.

Whilst there has been an emerging debate to the ethics and nature of heritage reconstruction, this volume provides a plethora of ideas and approaches concerning the future treatment of the Bamiyan Buddha statues. It also addresses a number of fundamental questions on potential heritage reconstruction: how it will be done; who will decide; and what it should be done for. Moreover when it comes to the inscribed World Heritage properties, how can reconstructed heritage using non-original materials be considered to retain authenticity?

With a view to serving as a precedent for potential decisions taken elsewhere in the world for cultural properties impacted by acts of violence and destruction, this volume introduces academic researches, experiences and observations of heritage conservation theory and practice of heritage reconstruction. It also addresses the issue not merely from the point of a material conservation philosophy but within the context of holistic strategies for the protection of human rights and promotion of peace building. 


Open Access Monograph Series: Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Kolloquien

[First posted in AWOL 24 March 2016, updated 30 November 2020]

 Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Kolloquien

Das Historische Kolleg, 1980 gegründet, hat seit 1988 seinen Sitz in der Kaulbach-Villa zwischen Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek und Englischem Garten. Im Kern gewährt es Gelehrten Stipendien, um frei von anderen Verpflichtungen ein Buch zu vollenden. Zudem ist das Historische Kolleg als Ort wissenschaftlicher Kolloquien und Vorträge ein lebendiges Zentrum der historischen Forschung. Mit der Diskussionsreihe "Blick zurück nach vorn" richtet es sich auch an eine breitere Öffentlichkeit. Alle drei Jahre wird der "Preis des Historischen Kollegs" vergeben - das nächste Mal im November 2016.

102 volumes of this series have been digitized, click through above for the full list. Following are the volumes dealing with antiquity:

94 Stefan Rebenich (Hg.)
Monarchische Herrschaft im Altertum. Berlin/Boston 2017, XIII, 678 S.
ISBN 978-3-11-046385-9
pdf des Bandes

75 Aloys Winterling (Hg.)
Zwischen Strukturgeschichte und Biographie. Probleme und Perspektiven einer neuen Römischen Kaisergeschichte 31 v. Chr. - 192 n. Chr. München 2011, IX, 350 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-70454-9
pdf des Bandes
73 Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp (Hg.)
Eine politische Kultur (in) der Krise? Die "letzte Generation" der römischen Republik. München 2009, XII, 222 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-59053-1
pdf des Bandes
49 David Cohen (Hg.)
Demokratie, Recht und soziale Kontrolle im klassischen Athen. München 2002, VI, 205 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-56662-8
pdf des Bandes
44 Aharon Oppenheimer (Hg.)
Jüdische Geschichte in hellenistisch-römischer Zeit. Wege der Forschung: Vom alten zum neuen Schürer. München 1999, XII, 275 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-56414-3
pdf des Bandes
42 Werner Eck (Hg.)
Lokale Autonomie und römische Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1. bis 3. Jahrhundert. München 1999, X, 327 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-56385-6
pdf des Bandes
30 Bernhard Kölver (Hg.)
Recht, Staat und Verwaltung im klassischen Indien, The State, the Law, and Administration in Classical India. München 1997, XVIII, 257 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-56193-7
pdf des Bandes
24 Kurt Raaflaub (Hg.)
Anfänge politischen Denkens in der Antike. Die nahöstlichen Kulturen und die Griechen. München 1993, XXIV, 461 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-55993-4
pdf des Bandes
22 Dieter Simon (Hg.)
Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter. München 1992, IX, 168 S.
ISBN 978-3-486-55885-2
pdf des Bandes

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Carsten Peust's Publications

Carsten Peust's Publications




Private papers



Open Access Journal: Systasis: E-Journal of the Association of Classical Philologists "Antika"

[First posted in AWOL 10 February 2010. Updated 28 November 2020]

Systasis: E-Journal of the Association of Classical Philologists "Antika"
ISSN: 1857-5129
logo systasis mk
Името на списанието (во превод "Состав") потекнува од големото откритие на професор М. Д. Петрушевски, кој во 1980 година (преиздадено во 1990 г.) во Скопје го објави својот превод на Аристотеловото дело „За поетиката“ (Περὶ ποητικῆς). Тој откри, дека во дефиницијата за трагедијата не стои изразот прочистување на страстите (κάθαρσις παθημάτων), или некоја друга синтагма, туку состав од дејства (σύστασις πραγμάτων), што предизвикуваат жал и страв, што е најважна характеристика на трагедијата.
Дека составот на делото од соодветни компоненти е основа за тоа да биде токму такво дело, на книжевно-теоретски и философски план покажа професор Елена Колева, во своето дело "Систаса на прагми" (Охрид, 1992), со што од книжевно-теоретски аспект го потврди лингвистичкото откритие на М. Д. Петрушевски.
Списанието е отворено за статии, резимеа на магистерски трудови, резимеа на докторски трудови, преводи од класични автори, пофалени/наградени семинарски работи, кратки белешки и прикази на книги од областите што ги покриваат класичните студии во поширока смисла на зборот: класична филологија, историја на стариот век, археологија, епиграфија, палеографија, и други области врзани за антиката, но и за нејзиниот континуум и наследство и дидактика на класичните дисциплини.
Членови на редакцијата на Systasis се членови на Здружението „Антика“ во соработка со колеги од регионот и Европа. Списанието се уредува двапати годишно.
The name of our periodical, Systasis, meaning 'a composition', relates to the great discovery made by our Professor M. D. Petruševski, who published his translation of Aristotle's Poetics (Περὶ ποητικῆς) in Skopje, the Republic of Macedonia, in 1990. He emended the phrase in Aristotle's definition of tragedy, usually known as κάϑαρσις παϑημάτων, to σύστασις πραγμάτων, i.e. 'a composition of acts' that cause fear and compassion—the essential characteristics of tragedy.

The thesis that the composition of the components of a deed determine literary genre was elaborated on theoretical and philosophical grounds by Professor Elena Koleva in her work 'The composition of Acts', published in Ohrid in 1992. In this book, she developed the linguistic discovery of M. D. Petruševski on literary theoretical grounds.

Тhe e-journal is edited by the members of Antika, the Association of Classical Philologists of the Republic of Macedonia, in collaboration with colleagues from the region and throughout Europe. It is open for the publication of articles, summaries of master’s theses, summaries of doctoral theses, translations of classical authors, academic papers adjudged of distinction and book reviews on subjects from the wider range of classical studies: classical philology, history of the ancient world, archaeology, epigraphy, paleography, and other subjects related to antiquity, as well as to the continuity, heritage and didactics of classical disciplines.

Systasis 37 (2020) 

Systasis 36 (2020)  

Systasis 35 (2019) 

Systasis 34 (2019) 

Systasis 33 (2018) 

Systasis 32 (2018) 

Systasis 31 (2017) 

Systasis 30 (2017)



Friday, November 27, 2020

The Max von Oppenheim photo collection Online

[First posted in AWOL 6 June 2012, updated 27 November 2020]

The Max von Oppenheim photo collection

Max Freiherr von Oppenheim (1860-1946) was not only a famous explorer but also a well known diplomat and collector of oriental artifacts. As an employee of the German consulate general in Cairo, he observed the Arabian world and excavated Tell Halaf in Syria. In his many expeditions, most taking several years, he explored the region between the Levante and Mesopotamia.

Oppenheim was always accompanied by professional photographers. The Near East and its people as well as its nature and architecture kept him mesmerized for decades. The result was a collection of 13.000 photos that captured the life and culture of a world gone by.

Max von Oppenheim's literary contributions and the photo-collection are kept in the house-archive of the Bankhaus Sal, Oppenheim jr. & Cie. in Cologne. It is owned by the Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Foundation and was established in 1929 by von Oppenheim himself.

Max von Oppenheim's photo-collection is accessible to the greater public by the Arachne database. In order to view images of the Max von Oppenheim photo-collection in a higher resolution, interested persons should contact the house-archive of the Bankhaus Sal. Oppenheim by e-mail to request the necessary rights.

The photo-collection contains 75 albums (show all) and many single photographs. The photo volumes form chronological and spatial units regarding the following topics:
1. Travel through Asian Turkey in 1899 2. Journeys (1911-1939) 3. Excavations in Tell Halaf (1911-1929) 4. Special collections and single pictures (1899-1939)

The George Ortiz Collection

 [First posted in AWOL 16 March 2013, updated 27 November 2020]

The George Ortiz Collection
Son of the Bolivian ambassador to France, George Ortiz grew up in Paris, was schooled in the UK and US, then briefly read philosophy at Harvard before embarking on a journey to Greece that changed his life. He started collecting in 1944 and over many years of dedicated collecting created one of the most important collections of ancient art still in private hands.

Durham University Library Special Collections Catalogue: The Sudan Archive

[First posted in AWOL 11 February 2012, updated 27 November 2020]

Durham University Library Special Collections Catalogue: The Sudan Archive

Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: The Sudan Archive
Dates of creation: c. 1880 onwards
Extent: 1050 boxes of papers, over 57,000 photographs, 136 cinefilms, 1,000 maps, museum objects and a large amount of related printed material.
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections

The Sudan Archive was founded in 1957, the year after Sudanese independence, to collect and preserve the papers of administrators from the Sudan Political Service, missionaries, soldiers, business men, doctors, agriculturalists, teachers and others who had served or lived in the Sudan during the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. It comprises over 360 individual collections of official, semi-official and private papers of British men and women. Each collection is named after the donor who is usually the creator of the records. The collections vary in size from one file to 180 boxes. All levels of colonial society are represented, from Assistant District Commissioner to Governor-General and senior officers of government, as well as from the technical and medical services, the army and the church. The core period covered is 1898-1955, but there is a significant amount of Mahdist material as well as papers relating to the military campaigns of the 1880s and 1890s, while in recent years the scope of the Archive has extended to the period after independence and now contains material up to the present day. Moreover, as officials were frequently seconded or posted to neighbouring countries, or simply passed through them on leave, the Archive also holds substantial numbers of papers relating to Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria and African states bordering on the Sudan.
In addition to official and personal papers (correspondence, reports and memoranda, trek notes and diaries, letters home and so on), collections may include a variety of records in other formats such as photographic images (prints, lantern slides and 35mm slides), cinefilms from the 1920s to the 1960s, sound recordings, maps, museum objects and a large amount of related printed material. Most of the material is in English, with a small amount in Arabic.

The material is open for consultation, with the exception of a small number of files containing personal or sensitive material, which have been closed for a specified period.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Heritage Collections, Special Collections (e-mail [email protected]) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.

  The Sudan Archive


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