4-koma comedy? Yes…
Seeing ghosts? Yes, zero horror.
How to describe this series? Casual, slow paced, rather stale animation-wise, and very friendly, episodic “I see ghosts (they even show up on mobile phones/pictures), and they interact” comedy +a couple of heartfelt scenes. The main stars are a kind, soft-spoken, innocent girl and a tsundere girl, who basically get shipped, but aren’t a couple, don’t expect more than subtext, by their main-but-not-so-main character friends. There is only slight character growth, but there are different emotional scenes that can tug at one's heartstrings.
Overall, it is a series about the overly forgiving Hibiki helping spirits with their troubles, and you get repeated overly afraid tsundere girl while everyone else are just along for the ride.
Recommended for those that want an occult+friendly, smiley, slightly comedic SoL-ish with high-schoolgirls.
Explanation by Abystoma on Thursday, 09.04.2015 13:00