Well Crap, I can't believe im actually saying this, but DAMN!! The second season is AMAZING!!
After the roller coaster of cliches, predictable stereotypes, and an undoubtedly a HUGE letdown of a first season.. I thought that was that, but after getting this second season, (which honestly I feel it didn't need, but BOY was I wrong!!) I am thoroughly convinced, this was pretty damn good!
The atmosphere of the second season is MUCH more refined and has WAY more direction and character than its first season, its simply astonishing! Its like they scrapped their old approach and changed the direction and pacing for the better!
I was not seeing this comeback AT ALL!! Bravo, is the first season worth watching after this?? I daresay ABSOLUTELY! It went from a 5/10 to 7.5/10 easily!!
If YOU WATCHED SEASON 1 and weren't really feeling it, I BEG you to give this another chance!