of all the series lost in my last HDD crash, this was the only one I have subsequently not done anything about.
This here Ova is an exercise in futility, in the world of baseball. The paradoxes are immense I know, but there is a little here to bring its head above the rest, if only for it to be shot at 10 paces
Animation is standard issue, in that there is nothing good, bad, or even indifferent about it. The targets for it are alrightly done, but thats really the limit of the technical finesse.
The music is another standard issue, in that its got no really redeeming/distinguishing features. Voice actors however, pulled it up a bit , and even the pre-requisitioned screaming for its type was handled semi-alright.
The story (intervention in a sporting event, sudden appearance of robotic maid) has been done better, in at least two animoo that were so awesome as to end religious arguments by the mere mention of their Holy names. This tried and failed, but not as badly as it might have as there is a weeeeeeeee bit of suspense/sympathy generated; but nothing more.
Characters could come out of a press; and they probably did.There is the basic four point development for most of the ones who had more budget dumped in their design, but evryone else is left out. not that this is a bad thing; there is little justification for sitting through a baseball teams life story.
If this had been a spin off/cash in, it failed in generating further interest. If it was a pilot, then no and no and more no, Emperor be praised no budget was wasted on a 13 ep series. if it was a fanservice to fans who aren't there, then alright, it got by on that.
but it *did* get by. If like me it was the first sports centered animoo you see/saw, then it was a good introductory to the basic concepts, pattern of the genre, with a few extras thrown in to cover more potential customers.
so in conclusion; meh.
Not a dismal waste of time/pain to sit through, a little to keep you interested, but thats it. save your bandwidth if its actually worth anything,