Not sure why people are rating this so well, this series lost a lot of what it originally interesting to watch. At this point there are absolutely no adversaries, everything goes Rimurus way, basically instantly building a utopia, no conflict, the characters themselves seemingly never disagree with anything he wants to do, everyone is god tier in terms of power (including his subordinates), despite some of the demons supposedly having very chaotic personalities they act like perfect people with no interests.
It doesn't really have any shounen vibes left anymore, it's more of watching Simcity and Rimuru introduce modern day technology revolutionizing a fantasy world. So maybe more along the lines of Dr Stone, but not good in that way.
I wouldn't mind this so much if the other kingdoms actually had a backbone, but they don't and even if they did they'd just get run over due to the main protagonist having god mode on. Well it still is SlimeRe.