Back in the day when I first saw this, I thought it was amazing. Subsequent viewings at an older age have tarnished my opinion of it somewhat tho.
Don't get me wrong, I think everyone should watch this. It's one of those "must see" animes like Akira, Ninja Scroll, or Ghost In The Shell, in that it sets a benchmark in it's anime style, and any animes viewed thereafter with a similar style should be graded with this in mind.
The visuals seem dated now, but they're perfectly acceptable. There is good detail in the violence, and the post-apocalyptic world has been given care to.
The sound has one of the largest "dated" factors tho. The quality just isn't good enough for todays standard, but with that being said, it's decent for the time the anime was made. The ambience is suitable for the surrounds, and the voice acting and musical score is also satisfactory.
The story is ok, but underdeveloped. I know there's a series of this anime, but I haven't seen it and so can't judge where it fits in to give it any bearing.
The characters however, are best parts of the anime, each with their own skills and techniques. It's just so good to watch them let rip their special abilities on their foes.