How come was I able to watch the second episode? It's the question that comes to mind when I think about what to write in this review.
While it is obvious from the overwhelming number of characters that this OVA is based on a dating game, I believe the first rule of short stories is to CUT DOWN the number of characters if you want to give them any chance of having some screen time. Yes, they are esthetically pleasing to the eye (as any bishounen should be), but the mix-match of styles and colors is simply dizzying to the point of making my eyes puke.
The writers also suffered from the blank-sheet syndrome, because they obviously didn't know what to write for this dozen or so Guardians and bishounen-wannabes hanging out around the childish queens. They always speak in turns mentioning the obvious (having waited for their screen time of course), and you realize in the first 30 seconds that this whole OVA is just going to be made up of stupid conversations.
Maybe it is more understandable where the story is going for people who have played the game, but it's another basic rule to make it clear to the viewers what the hell is going on, just so we know where we are going. Unknown threats that remain unexplained, why the hell there are different cosmos with queens and guardians, who is Angelique and how come she's there.... That kind of information would be appreciated.
A sound world would be nice too. Call it taste or logic, but to me people who use laptops to calculate the gradiant of the magnetic field between colliding parallel universes shouldn't need to dress up with armors and swords, use magic to defend helpless and hopeless girls, and use candles to get light in the middle of the night... >P
Bleh. I guess I was not part of the target audience...