Zaion - I wish you were here, it's one of thoose animes that seems to be promising but leaves you in the end and empty and strange felling inside after watching it.
In this anime, the premisse is quite alien virus is spreading creating havoc and death, by turning human beings into monsters with amazing strengh. The humanity response to stop this depends on a special force (the NOA), wearing armored suits maded of nanomachines imune to the virus. But the virus grows stronger and the special force are losing menbers battle after battle, forcing the army to introduce a new weapon capable of better and faster results in a form of a little girl. The story circles around the relationship between this girl and one of the NOA soldiers.
After watching this series (OVA?) i kind had a felling of disapointed. Not only the animation it's nothing to brag about (although with some neat cgi animation, but nothing special), the sound supporting is kind of boring and seems unsuitable for the genre (music was made by Kenji Kawai of Gits, Gits: Innocence and Dark Water...and i love his music). Besides that, the ending theme (perfomed by En Avant) is clearly one of the best pieces you can find in anime theme's. The plot gives some interesting point to go on and to create more character building, but the guys behind this script were lazy and didn't want to move much besides the usual "girl meets boy in desperate situation" theme. Pity, the story was promising.
But not all is bad. Besides the fact that this title was not best handle by Gonzo, it's still a fairly good anime to watch if you don't have nothing to do. You certainly will enjoy a bit.