This was my favourite of all the anime I watched as a kid back in the sixties. For whatever reason, I identified with the main character more than I could with Astro Boy, Kimba, Marine Boy, et al (which I still enjoyed).
This series kept me glued to the screen. I even made my own pendant - with power level I could move up or down. Ah, those were the days.
Unfortunately, it was so long ago now, that specifics are really hard to remember - except the lyrics to the theme tune. I can still remember most of that. Yes, the animation was somewhat limited, but every week, I could rely on a great time.
Undoubtedly if I watched it again now, I would be a lot more critical, picking up flaws a child under 10 never would. But that's not really the point with the things you hold dear from your past.
Even so, I'd still be first in line if it ever gets a DVD release.
ANIMATION: Limited in that typical 60's low framecount - 6
SOUND: The English version sounded fine on ye olde TV set. What it would be like now, though... - 8
STORY: OK, so it was changed from the original Japanese, but this pre-adolescent was hooked (& oblivious)! - 9
CHARACTER: If I had to rate it as an adult, I'd likely be critical that the characters weren't very 3D, I guess. But, looking through young eyes, as I did, it all seemed logical and consistant (Ah, t'was a simpler time) - 8
VALUE: As a free TV show only asking 30 mins of my time - 8
ENJOYMENT: None greater! - 10
'No one can compare
To the Prince who wears
A medallion on his chest...'