On the outside, this anime looks like your standard ecchi harem romcom. There is a selection of female characters and a male lead, most of them likeable. The comedy across both seasons ridicules many aspects of the Japanese adolescent society, from eroges and JRPGs to dating and simply communicating with each other, and is overall very funny. However, there are also underlying themes. Social anxiety, loneliness and desperation all play a part, either subtly or noticeably. They give you something to think about, especially during the first episodes. The anime masks it with layers of the already mentioned comedy, which is why it succeeds at keeping you hooked. Voice acting was hillariously good. The only thing that bothered me was the animation and the face design but that's a personal preference anyway.
All in all, a nice slice of life anime. A comedic approach to a, in my opinion, quite serious problem many students face. So it is recommended for everyone.
Explanation by thornx on Saturday, 16.03.2013 02:37
Explanation by greeksot on Saturday, 23.02.2013 17:30
Explanation by ponbiki on Saturday, 23.02.2013 06:05