Humans cast aside their hero?! You'd figure there are natural disasters, wars, fires, any number of more mundane jobs for a hero after they've attained peace.
MC could have easily gone into policework or firefighting or the military and continued his profession, to other means. Being jobless is just a plot contrivance.
Considering the swimsuit secretary, demons still exist. Humanity would need a hero in case any demons got some bad ideas and turned to violent crime.
Three-episode rule. This intro really doesn't make any sense whatsoever for its plot. Meantime, a couple random memes from manga aggregators: +
So far, just comedy. But it is probably going to be one of those shows that suddenly becomes more serious and melodramatic towards the end of the season.
I think that they have already dropped hints of a more complex story already. Like the cute mug in which max serves Maou coffee. Or when the little girl at the park says that she will say hi to her mother for Max. Or when Max visits the "One-room Video" store by himself instead of going home with Maou. (These are not spoilers btw. These all happen in the first couple of episodes and I have no idea if they are truly significant.)
Also, we quickly learn the whereabouts of Fred and Leo (two of Max's former party members), but there is absolutely no mention of Yuria's fate (the fourth member). I think we are made to believe that the ghost in Max's closet is Yuria, but Maou briefly mentions that Max had defeated his army of the undead, so I am thinking that the ghost is related to that. Actually, I think that the little girl's mom may be Yuria.
This all just speculation on my part.
I really like shows that drop breadcrumbs. I think this show is going to be pretty good.
This post was edited by paperfred (948022) on 16.08.2023 02:49.
I love that they kept making fun of him trying to be a youtuber and showing that's not realistic to just suddenly be on youtube, but just minutes before that, they were trying to have him sign the most unrealistic job contract that people would kill for in this world. You can take out the immortality off that contract and I would still sign it in a heart beat.
Don't mind me, I'm just here to figure out whether I'm picking this up. (I'm probably not, at least at this time.) That said:
Atma wrote:
wwenze wrote:
So finally Oozora Naomi is no longer makai no.2
Oozora Naomi, who voices Maou (literally "demon king") here, also voices Jahy. If you watched Jahy, you must have heard the words "makai number two" about a million times. And "makai" means "demon world".
post #1 by Ahm771 on 28.03.2022 18:43