Hello. I would like to join your club. Oh And I found a good article that tells the difference between a lolicon and a pedophile: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/01/28/pedophilia-vs-lolicon-mental-health-through-manga/
Nice manga, but when i see Louise from ZnT or Taiga from Toredora i cant belive that she is high scholler (she looks like 12yr old) and also i cant belive that mangaka is not a pedo!
This post was edited by planeta (164713) on 23.02.2010 22:19.
Well, even if... As long as you don't hurt girls, your not free to do what you want, but you should be allowed to be what you are! Denying who/what you are can be more dangerous than accepting and living with it in a responsible way
Btw: Talking just generally ;P No specific person was ment with "you"
Not sure if I could say that just like that In the end you never can say whether it's really a serious kind of mind-distortion :brickwall:, or "just" an alternative way of feeling something like "love"
Nice manga, but when i see Luise from ZnT or Taiga from Toredore i cant belive that she is high scholler (she looks like 12yr old)
I can easily believe they are, 'cuz I've got a girl in my class, that has a similiar body like these 2 and she's 16 (turns 17 this year)...Loli-time, everytime I go to school, lol.
post #1 by shishi123 on 19.10.2009 20:13