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Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #1 by mobiasanes on 13.03.2010 23:07

I loved this anime. I am reading the manga now.
Fullmetal Angst Brother
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post #2 by wenli on 14.03.2010 10:11

One of the few truly romantic romance series out there. Watch it if you haven't watched it yet. You'll want to get rid of all your dvds with harem shows.
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post #3 by annieangel on 14.03.2010 15:32

the best romantic series,its beautiful.I love it
Troll Hunter Z
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post #4 by go- on 14.03.2010 21:28

Thanks for joining.
Have fun, be nice, and share me some awesome KareKano pics. lols.
Troll Hunter Z
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post #5 by shishi123 on 16.03.2010 22:23

Harem Girl
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post #6 by zurdan25 on 22.03.2010 11:03

great manga but only half of the anime episodes are watchable. Deviates too much from the source
Troll Hunter Z
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post #7 by go- on 22.03.2010 23:57

zurdan25 wrote:

great manga but only half of the anime episodes are watchable. Deviates too much from the source

I don't agree.

I haven't read the manga and so I feel very satisfied by every episode.
Fullmetal Angst Brother
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post #8 by majutsu on 23.03.2010 10:53

What true is: It totally sucks, that the anime stops totally in the middle, w/o any kind of ending.
The Manga isn't halfway through at the time.
Troll Hunter Z
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post #9 by go- on 23.03.2010 18:46

majutsu wrote:

What true is: It totally sucks, that the anime stops totally in the middle, w/o any kind of ending.
The Manga isn't halfway through at the time.

Thats true.
Although is the case with most anime/manga comparisons.
And judging the anime itself, won't conclude into a negative judgement.

If you feel like "damn, why does it have to end now", then I think, you liked it as a whole.

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post #10 by aj12gamer on 31.03.2010 07:58

This anime thought me a lot about relationships during my high school years! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Is there any other anime like this you guys recommend?
Harem Girl
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post #11 by angryphoton on 03.04.2010 04:51

watched this many times over before, one of my favs.

just watched Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, is it me or are some of the characters similar to Kare Kano....

Harem Girl
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post #12 by liinani on 11.04.2010 13:37

haha, I feel old because everyone says "old but good" and i remember watching this when it was coming out...
at any rate despite the not "finishing" part this will always be one of my most favorites.

aj12gamer; if you're looking for other "odd/unique" series that have a similar feeling I may be able to recommend a few:
Kimi ni todoke-characters aren't alike at all but the relationship is refreshing and very unique
Lovely complex- slapstick-esque humor with romance tucked in around the edges but it does feel a bit flat at the end...
nodame cantible- for those laugh out loud moments in kare kano, I would try this one out. again it's really rather unique
skip beat- to be truthful i haven't seen the anime but i absolutely love the manga and there are moments (split personality especially) when I am reminded of kare kano. weird i know, but it might be worth a shot

at any rate i hope these help if you haven't already seen them happy watching