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Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #1 by mwutaku8 on 08.08.2009 05:16

Nice, KICK A** Anime Series
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post #2 by annieangel on 09.08.2009 15:34

Sagara rocks! <3
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post #3 by steam on 10.08.2009 07:14

So does Mitheral and the toy box get destroyed by the captains brother?
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #4 by mwutaku8 on 11.08.2009 16:05

I dont know the details but I have heard that ARX-7 is destroyed (by Leonard) leading to the use of ARX-8. As far as those others, don't know.
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post #5 by philip390 on 12.08.2009 14:41

So where is my third season? Second raid was too inconclusive to be the end!
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #6 by mwutaku8 on 12.08.2009 14:50

You can read the manga or even some of the fan literature out there. One of my roommates and I even tried to write the next few episodes knowing what they have already described.

really its the fourth season with they just broke up the filler into Fumo so they could have all of the story in TSR

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post #7 by philip390 on 13.08.2009 14:44

Yeah the manga is pretty good, lol

Yeah but they didnt have the whole story in TSR, i heard that the show had to get cancelled suddenly so they had to end at the first season(ep 13)...
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #8 by mwutaku8 on 13.08.2009 17:35

They did leave it open. But they are hoping that the manga series will have some sort of finish so they can truly finish the series...

But... Do you really want them to finish?

In terms of story... KxS go to college.. jobs...lives... it really sounds like an end to me...
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post #9 by philip390 on 15.08.2009 14:44

Yeah I want it to finish so I can see what happens to those two, they only failed to get together in the last part of TSR
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post #10 by steam on 15.08.2009 22:35

Was that the captains brother who kissed her on the roof top in the rain in the second season? If it was, she seem some what interested.
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #11 by mwutaku8 on 17.08.2009 15:30

Yes, Leonard Testarossa
he is also a young member of Amalgan

Chidori? No, when some dude with two state of the art robots shows up and kills someone without blinking an eye - you down play the situation to ensure your survival!

Did you watch the Japanese version or English version? - cuz in the JPN version in no uncertain terms is Chidori interested.
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post #12 by steam on 24.08.2009 04:18

I watched the english version. From the expression on her face and tone of voice used, she sounded like either she wanted to slap his face off or find out more.
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post #13 by nosohryz on 03.11.2009 05:17

The third season would really be much appriciated. I don´t get it, there are definitely a lot of less succesful series that get sequels and there is definitely a plenty of story to cover yet, the second raid is somewhere in the middle (something like empire strikes back:-)). The manga doesn´t show anything new, but what pisses me off the most is that they stopped publishing the books before they even got to the interesting part:-((
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post #14 by steam on 03.11.2009 05:59

There probably checking out the forum to see who they can incorporate as canon fodder into the series.
Harem Girl
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post #15 by nosohryz on 03.11.2009 15:36

Yeah, there is a couple of recruits so far:-)
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #16 by mwutaku8 on 04.11.2009 00:18

they are two reasons that I can think of.

1.) they are waiting for the end of the series and do not want to make a blunder like with FMA and now remaking FMA:B to try and be true to the manga.

2.) They simply do not want to finish the series. Its so simple! Its a great series and no one wants to see the end. Admit it, you would be sad/mad/ ticked/ if they messed up the final end of this series.

I would read the manga until they decide it time to make it! at least while the VAs are still alive! I WILL NOT FORGIVE A VA CHANGE!!!
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post #17 by tootbrush on 04.11.2009 08:07

3) KyoAni is swimming in money from Haruhi, K-ON! and the Key anime adaptions and considering how FMP! was never that successful for them, they're simply not interested in continuing it.
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post #18 by xellos133 on 26.11.2010 21:24

nice story and action.I've watched it in 2007,and in 2008-2009 fumoffu and second raid
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post #19 by philip390 on 30.11.2010 22:27

mwutaku8 wrote:

they are two reasons that I can think of.

1.) they are waiting for the end of the series and do not want to make a blunder like with FMA and now remaking FMA:B to try and be true to the manga.

2.) They simply do not want to finish the series. Its so simple! Its a great series and no one wants to see the end. Admit it, you would be sad/mad/ ticked/ if they messed up the final end of this series.

I would read the manga until they decide it time to make it! at least while the VAs are still alive! I WILL NOT FORGIVE A VA CHANGE!!!

1. You mean true to the novels?
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post #20 by antaliss on 07.03.2012 14:44

Right now, even if they were to make another series, it'd be hard to stay true to the original. Quite a lot happened since TSR and I don't see FMP getting a 26eps series (assuming FMP is ever animated again).
Thinking how they'd need to butcher the story with only 12-13eps kinda makes me not want to see another season. It's a "do it right or don't do it at all" thing.