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post #1 by Laov on 20.04.2013 15:42

Like the 1st season wasn't enough... I wonder what kind of a train wreck this will be...
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post #2 by Zura-Shiryu on 20.04.2013 15:46

pffff why would they even try
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post #3 by palebludot on 20.04.2013 16:47 (vote: hidden)

Is anyone really surprised? This *is* Japan we're talking about...
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post #4 by yuudai on 20.04.2013 17:28

It was expected with the way the first season ended. From the looks of it, S2 will be just like S1. Whatever.
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post #5 by Mortsyn on 21.04.2013 13:13

So word on the street is that it *might* be a reboot. If so, then... WHY?!
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post #6 by grudgeal on 22.04.2013 15:39

Mortsyn wrote:

So word on the street is that it *might* be a reboot. If so, then... WHY?!

Because the dull stereotypes and the completely nonsensical world they had the last time, somehow, weren't aggravating enough.
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #7 by mp44chris on 27.04.2013 14:56

hmm this show has the potential to be even worse than aku no hana!!
cant w8!!!
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post #8 by HTFlover on 27.04.2013 20:10

Fuck , we get more of this shit
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post #9 by ManiacB on 28.04.2013 16:43

HTFlover wrote:

Fuck , we get more of this shit

Must be terrible being forced to watch it.
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post #10 by millhiore015 on 14.05.2013 03:18

HTFlover wrote:

Fuck , we get more of this shit

so whats the big deal?

is there someone who are forcing you to watch this shit?
if none...just shut up
so many whining kids here

im not a pro or hater
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post #11 by p4n0z on 20.06.2013 23:47

I actually enjoyed the nonsensical shit that went down on S1.
It wasn't "hurray" material as it wasn't "wtf am i watching" too.
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post #12 by jormadyr on 02.07.2013 06:29

gonna watch just to see the blue haired girl or w/e partially naked in a bath scene or w/e.
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post #13 by laxarus on 11.08.2013 21:56

gonna watch just to waste time. Hell, it might even be worth it.
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post #14 by Knox316 on 03.10.2013 20:15

i watched first season but after the first ep i drop this. 2 seasons of IS and my brain would die. I pitty those who will continue to watch this.
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post #15 by foxthree on 03.10.2013 23:02

this show's like alcohol.. people watch it when they are depressed just to kill some brain cells.

srsly, dropped s1 at 3rd chapter... barely escaped braindamage.
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post #16 by vitas75 on 04.10.2013 14:30

Its so sad that shows that are actually GOOD are left handing, while ridiculous series like this gets a second season.

Who the hell would buy DVDs of series like this anyway?!?!?

same thing with http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=9789
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post #17 by greeksot on 04.10.2013 14:33

Otakus in Japan.
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post #18 by farce on 05.10.2013 08:04 (vote: hidden)

vitas75 wrote:
same thing with http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=9789

Really, please, not even Infinite Stratos at its worst deserves to be compared to Freezing.
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post #19 by lightboy on 05.10.2013 15:15

Can't wait for everyone to take this too seriously...Again.
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post #20 by testakraze on 07.10.2013 14:41 (vote: hidden)

for "hardcore" fans only

even i cannot bear to watch 1st episode....

good luck IS fans... enjoy the show