I really don't see this as loli.. Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough into this series, but I have not gathered any sort of sexual overtone in this series.
Anyway it's sad that everything with kids is now considered loli. It's painful just thinking of the word "loli" while watching this because it's the farthest thing possible from anything sexual. There is something very wrong with loli by the way...
I blame crappy loli anime/characters for how people perceive ichigo now.
post #8 by grael on 17.09.2009 07:49 (vote: hidden)
This has been the most enjoyable anime I've seen in a while. Loveable characters, light humor, and profoundly cute. Can't wait to see more of this.
gellemar wrote:
Nice series. Quite light, warm and funny. Surprised that it was marked as seinen... is it really?
I tink it's considered seinen because you can't expect someone who's into shounen (action-oriented) or shoujo (fantasy romance-oriented) to be able to sit through something so, well, normal. If you asked a kid if he wanted to watch a show about four elementary girls and a college student doing pretty much nothing out of the ordinary they'd look at you like you're a retard.
I really looooved this anime and the OVAs. Just the cuteness and innocence is great and the simplistic lines the anime follows are wonderful. I also enjoyed the pacing and flow, and I enjoyed the art style.
Could someone recommend other anime that are similar to this one? Any that are just like Strawberry Marshmallow, but with boys instead of girls?
What I reallly loved about this show was there was not much fanservice and it was not ecchi at all. It was played totally straight and it seems like these are few and far between to find. Love the normality of it.
oh yea, and chika is my favorite - yet no one else seems to like her.
---> edit, I have seen Hidamari Sketch already, which this reminded me of. looking for one with boys though.
Compared to other anime of this type this was very boring. It was not the content itself, more the way it was presented. They stretched every scene to its maximum that I nearly fall asleep. It maybe could be better if every episodes content was presentend in 5 minutes instead of 20
Anime very nice, I really enjoyed watching it in because it is so simple in its humor and a way of telling the everyday so natural, to involve me 100%! Very nice drawings, very catchy soundtrack.
Nobue and Miu were always funny in every episode and situation.
I can't watch the English dub because it's annoying and I felt like I wanted to slap the character Chika, being voiced. The character design is much too cutesy but Miu's personality saves that. I bet people who like cute and childish things will like this.
post #1 by hyphyj on 04.09.2008 17:09 (vote: hidden)