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Killer Loli
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post #1 by kikichi on 23.01.2009 20:07 (vote: hidden)

Great story with time shifting. I really like the idea and the story is great told.
A great one of Takahashi Rumiko.
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post #2 by lillian on 16.09.2011 00:06 (vote: 6.50)

Haha, how 'tripper' means clap (gonorrhea) in German. Fire Tripper - that's still amusing me *giggle* xD

Of course I didn't notice that it was from the Ranma mangaka until I saw the ppl in the anime that looked like Akane, Ryoga and the lot.
Fullmetal Angst Brother
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post #3 by RoseV on 02.09.2012 18:15

A very nice concept:D
Troll Hunter Z
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post #4 by ovomaltino on 20.06.2016 01:48 (vote: hidden)

Nice anime. Some (a few) of the stuff presentesd on it reminded me Inuyasha.

Not the best anime based in a Rumiko manga, but still very good.
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post #5 by Offkorn on 08.07.2016 06:12 (vote: 5.00)

Definitely an interesting concept; it's not often you see people accidentally transporting themselves to the future.

Can't say I agree with the ending though, and the story the concept is used to tell is essentially just a basic textbook romance.
Night Shift Nurse
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post #6 by takito on 01.08.2024 20:53 (vote: 7.00)

really average animation by all accounts

btw i appreciate Orphan's LD rip but I've never seen such a bad LD rip before. There must be a reason for this.

the story was a complex time travel romance. you have to watch the anime twice though to fully understand it OR read the manga after watching the anime.

it's easy to get lost in the time slips but it's well thought out if you realise what really happened