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Reaching Jewish Communities and Their Neighbors

Meeting needs and sharing Messiah to the ends of the Earth

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

-President Theodore Roosevelt
(and Jonathan Bernis, President and CEO of Jewish Voice Ministries International)

Jesus’ earthly ministry was focused first on “the lost sheep of Israel,” meaning the Jewish people (Matthew 15:24).  As He met their desperate needs, He pointed them to what was most vital: their eternal salvation. See what we’re doing in His name to reach the “Lost Tribes of Israel.”

Meeting a Need

Our mandate at Jewish Voice is to share the Good News “to the Jew first,” according to Romans 1:16 – because God loves the Jewish people and they remain an important part of His plans for the world. As we reach out to the “Lost Tribes of Israel ”and other Jewish communities around the world, we start by showing them Jesus’ love through meeting a practical need. Nyasha’s story is one of those needs: 

Nyasha’s life in rural Zimbabwe is rigorous. Fetching water, tending the ground, weeding the garden all require a strong body. But Nyasha had injured her knee many months ago, and the pain had grown unbearable. She couldn’t do her many chores, and her family suffered. She came to a Jewish Voice Medical Outreach held in her area.

Doctors couldn’t resolve her condition, but God had a bigger restoration planned for her. Nyasha visited the Outreach’s Spiritual Care Ministry on her way out. Team members shared the Gospel with her and prayed that God would show her His love by healing her knee. Nyasha went home without accepting Jesus, however, God wasn’t finished reaching out to her.

The next morning, Nyasha awoke pain-free. As she worked in her garden, Nyasha knew she had to return to the Clinic. When she met with the Outreach Partners who had prayed for her, she told them she wanted to receive Jesus!

Nyasha’s story of new faith in Jesus started with a physical need. Jewish Voice brings humanitarian care to impoverished and struggling Jewish people to alleviate suffering and open hearts toward the Good News of Jesus.

We Do This Through

Living Waters

Being forced to drink contaminated water often leaves people with chronic or severe diseases. Jewish Voice’s Living Waters program provides access to clean drinking water and the spiritual living water of the Gospel.

Medical Outreaches

Adequate medical and dental care is often too expensive or far away for people in remote Jewish communities. Jewish Voice conducts week-long Medical Clinics that heal, strengthen and renew lives.

Humanitarian Outreaches

Sometimes the most urgent need in a community isn’t medical or water. We conduct Outreaches focused on the most significant need in an area, such as food or other humanitarian aid.

Learn about our Zehra Kids Program, which takes place during many of our Medical Outreaches in Africa. We love to see the children come and learn about their Messiah, Yeshua, as they grow in their faith as Jewish Believers in Him.

After the Outreach

Jewish Voice Outreaches are short-term, but our work in an area is ongoing to ensure that Nyasha and other new Believers can grow strong in their faith and understanding of God’s Word.

Plant a Congregation

The first step after an Outreach, we determine the ability to plant a Messianic congregation in the area, with the invaluable help of existing Messianic congregations in the country.

Equip Indigenous Leaders

Next, we identify, train and ordain indigenous leaders to oversee congregations. We continue working with leadership toward establishing national networks and fully owning their ministry work.

Release Indigenous Ministry

As congregational networks become self-sustaining, we release their indigenous ministry as the most natural and effective work among their people.


The ultimate goal is to connect these “Lost Tribes” Messianic Jewish communities with the international Messianic Jewish community, bringing them into fellowship with the worldwide body of Jewish Believers.

Reaching All Remaining Scattered Jewish Communities

God has put on our hearts the bold vision to reach ALL the remaining scattered Jewish communities around the world who have not yet heard the hope of Jesus the Messiah in the next decade.

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