
Acadimic Degrees And Majors

The Institute grants academic degrees in several degrees: Professional Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate And with various specializations and academic majors

Business Management

Business Management

Business Management

The Business Administration major is one of the important majors, and it includes several complementary departments




Economics has two main branches: macroeconomics and microeconomics. Many sciences branch out from them

Engineering Management

Engineering Management

Engineering Management

Economics has two main branches: macroeconomics and microeconomics. Many sciences branch out from them

International Finance

International Finance

International Finance

The international trade major is one of the important majors, and it is linked to many other specializations

International Trade

International Trade

International Trade

The international trade major is one of the important majors, and it is linked to many other specializations

Logistics and Transportation

Logistics and Transportation

Logistics and Transportation

This specialization is related to administrative disciplines, such as human resource management and marketing

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems

The management information systems major includes many specializations related to business administration and information technology

Political science and international relations

Political science and international relations

Political science and international relations

The international relations major is one of the departments of political science

Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design

The field of maintenance related to communication devices such as telephones.

Modern Media

Modern Media

Modern Media

The specialty of modern media and visuals, and with the development of technology in the world, the world has become a small village for us, and therefore people’s concepts and convictions have changed with each other.

Interior design

Interior design

Interior design

This major in universities is linked to the Faculty of Art and Design, and it is one of the most important departments and specializations of the Faculty of Fine Arts, as this major is concerned with studying the most important cultural and environmental aspects and space planning

Film and Television

Film and Television

Film and Television

This specialization is associated with the departments of the faculties of art or communication, in addition to the branching of the specialization between interest in technology, directing, presentation techniques, and social science.

Fashion Design

Fashion Design

Fashion Design

The major in cinema and television in universities is one of the majors related to media responsibility in societies, as it is the most important channel for freedom of opinion and expression and access to society. And the operation of those programs, and the radio, film and television major follows the Faculty of Arts in some universities, or the Faculty of Communication in other universities.

Design of Industrial Product

Design of Industrial Product

Design of Industrial Product

An exciting and rapidly evolving profession, products can be 3D tangible objects such as consumer products, furniture, packaging, medical and sporting equipment.

Design of Digital Games

Design of Digital Games

Design of Digital Games

Digital game design is one of the disciplines whose specialists are interested in technology, computer science and programming, in addition to digital design.

Translation and Interpretation

Translation and Interpretation

Translation and Interpretation

The translation specialization is one of the important specializations, and it has several branches, the most important of which are general translation, legal translation, political translation, and medical translation. Translation also includes translation from world languages ​​and into world languages




Sociology studies the behavior of individuals, societies, and the different cultures of people, and the impact of societies on the behavior and ideas of individuals. Social phenomena at the local, regional or global collective levels, and linking them or deducing results specific to each society, in order to understand and analyze human behavior and then solve its problems.




Psychology is concerned with studying the human mind, behavior, and the factors influencing his behavior and feelings. that a person is exposed to, with the aim of analyzing it and knowing its causes and treatment, and the specialty of psychology includes the manufacture of intelligence tests, personal patterns, and so on, so that the specialist is able to treat psychologically in all its aspects depending on the different psychological schools.




Philosophy is one of the important disciplines, and it has several branches, the most important of which are ethics, social philosophy, theoretical philosophy, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, philosophy of politics, philosophy of science, philosophy of aesthetics, natural philosophy, philosophy of language, epistemology and logic, in addition to It intersects with psychology and sociology




Two areas branch out from rights called private law and public law. Private law is a set of rules and laws that regulate the relationship between two parties, one of which has no authority over the other, such as civil law and criminal law. As for public law, it is the set of rules and laws that regulate the relationship between two parties, one of which has authority over the other, such as the state and the citizen. Among the sections of public law are administrative law, constitutional law, and financial law.

Education and Child Development

Education and Child Development

Education and Child Development

Child development is an important major, and has similarities with several specialized departments, especially the departments of psychology, social sciences, and social and family development It is one of the departments of this college, which branches into the Department of Social Services, the Department of Community Development, and the Department of Gender and Development Issues.

Arts in All its Discipline

Arts in All its Discipline

Arts in All its Discipline

Undoubtedly, artistic majors are the best spot for talent, good taste, and artists to prove themselves. Therefore, whoever wants to study one of the majors in art must possess passion, inclinations, and love for the arts. Otherwise, there would be no aspect of creativity and innovation!