We’re making the switch to Pillowfort!

Hey folks, long time no see. 

To cut a long story short, now that Pillowfort is tentatively scheduled to exit the beta and open to the public at the end of this year/early next year and a few of the active blog admins have been trying it out, we’ve decided to start building a Pillowfort community for Art and Sterf. 

Given the lack of functional search and tagging systems on tumblr, and the issues we’ve reported to tumblr over four years ago that still haven’t been fixed, we’ve decided to cut our losses and move to a better platform. 

Communities on Pillowfort not only let us reblog references and tutorials like we’ve always done, but they come with the added bonus of forums, which enables people to get advice and support from fellow artists in a way that tumblr doesn’t really allow for. 

However, rebuilding a catalog of 25,000-something posts is not going to be easy, so we need your help! 

We will be going through the blog and asking each artist we’ve reblogged content from if they would like to have their content hosted (with full credit and links to the source of course) on Pillowfort, if they would like to join and host it themselves, or if they do not want their work hosted at all, but given there’s roughly 25,000 posts on this blog we figured we’d ask everyone as a whole first to see if anyone’s willing to help make the task a little easier. 

If you have tutorials or resources you would like to share, or would like us to share, please let us know by providing a link to the post on Pillowfort so that we can reblog it from you, or by providing a link to your post on tumblr and we can add it as an embedded link on Pillowfort that links back to you - Whatever you’re most comfortable with!

We’re hoping to start building up the catalog of references and tutorials in the community now so that when Pillowfort is opened to the public there’s already a decent selection of resources available to artists that join the site.

What if I don’t have a Pillowfort account but I really want to join and/or have my resources reblogged there?

People who already have Pillowfort accounts can now generate invite links to let you sign up for free, though to avoid overwhelming the site each user is limited to generating three invite links a week. A few of the mods have accounts and would be happy to start handing out invite links - as far as we know, once you have an account you can also start handing out links to your friends, so you only need one link.

What if I don’t want to join Pillowfort?

That’s totally fine! There’s no pressure to join. We will still be maintaining this blog to ensure that nobody loses access to the resources hosted on this blog, we just most likely won’t be updating it with new content anymore. If you still want to be a part of the Art and Sterf community, we do have a discord server that you can join as well. Just send us an ask and we’ll give you an invite (We need to limit how many people join at once to avoid overloading our server too!)

To those of you that have been following this blog since its humble beginnings, and to those of you that only joined a little while ago, we thank you for all the support you’ve shown us. We hope that you will come join us on Pillowfort!

- Admin Pasta

We realised that just the community itself doesn’t quite work the way we need it to to function as a reference blog, so we made an official Art and Sterf blog on Pillowfort that you can follow! 

Because it’s early days there’s no search function on blogs yet, but the same method of typing ‘/tagged/x’ after the URL (with ‘x’ being the topic you’re searching for) works on Pillowfort as it does here! 

Follow us on Pillowfort!

- Admin Pasta

So I have some good news and some bad news. 

The good news is, Art and Sterf will finally have a tag cloud that covers every (relevant) tag ever used on the blog (it’s going to be manually hard-coded in so that it will load instantly, because scripts can’t handle the size of the blog), so that you can use Cmd/Ctrl+F to search for the topics you’re looking for! 

We will also be streamlining the tagging system and replacing more esoteric tag names with layman’s terms to make it more accessible to everyone.

The bad news is…


It’s uh…


Going to take a while.

(Also Xkit’s mass tag replacer is down.)      


- Admin Pasta

I just realised there’s a heap of unanswered asks in the inbox, apologies about that folks! The other blog admins have been going through a lot and haven’t been in a position to reply to things, but I’ll aim to get through the backlog over the coming days as well. All asks will be tagged with #admin answers if you would like to blacklist that tag - posts about the status of the blog will now be tagged as #blog announcement also.

And just to keep you lovely folks in the loop, because I’m in the process of fixing things up on this blog, I’m going to work on getting through the backlog of references we’ve got saved to drafts as I go, so we won’t be archiving this blog just yet!  

Unfortunately we still can’t implement a search feature on the blog because it just doesn’t work (I tried) and that’s an issue on tumblr’s end, but with any luck we might be reintroducing a tag cloud to the blog!

- Admin Pasta

Just a quick heads up, I’m in the process of fixing a bunch of things that were broken in the blog code but I have to call it a night for now, so if you encounter any issues with the blog just know that they’re already on my to-do list and I’ll get to them tomorrow. Apologies for any inconvenience!

- Admin Pasta

The blog has been re-made with an accessibility-focused theme!

I’ve gotten most of the glaring problems fixed so I’m happy to say that the blog should be mostly functional again, though there’s still a couple of minor cosmetic things that need a bit more time to iron out. 

The tag navigation page is a bit basic at the moment, and the code for that is giving me some grief, but I should hopefully be able to fix that up in the coming days.

Regardless, please let me know if you encounter any serious bugs or accessibility issues that I might not have caught on my laptop. You’d be doing myself and your fellow artists a huge favour!

- Admin Pasta

Just a quick heads up, I’m in the process of fixing a bunch of things that were broken in the blog code but I have to call it a night for now, so if you encounter any issues with the blog just know that they’re already on my to-do list and I’ll get to them tomorrow. Apologies for any inconvenience!

- Admin Pasta

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