the art of Tim Burton
Posting art from the brilliant mind of Tim Burton.

Shut Down

*Not affiliated with Tim Burton in any way.

I am no longer posting to this blog, but it's contents are still available for you all to reblog and whatnot.
This is my last post and I just wanted to say thank you for all the kind and supportive messages I received while I was running this blog, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep going for longer. But here a some links to keep you all going if you simply must have...

This is my last post and I just wanted to say thank you for all the kind and supportive messages I received while I was running this blog, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep going for longer. But here a some links to keep you all going if you simply must have a Tim Burton art fix:

Whole page scans from the Art of Tim Burton book.

The complete Meloncholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories.

Interactive MoMA Tim Burton Exhibit web page.

Tim Burton Collective

And here are some of my favourite Tim Burton tumblrs:

And of course there’s a whole lot more Tim Burton tumblrs and websites out there, but I couldn’t mention them all so these are just my select favourites or ones I think you all would especially enjoy. Again, thank you and Goodbye!

posted 12 years ago with 662 notes
#Sweeney Todd #Tim Burton #Shutting Down
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  7. emezilo said: hey buddy do you have any working links to see his scanned art book?
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